没有安装图形界面合上盖子依然会休眠 实现# 笔记本合上翻盖通过lid状态监控 设置系统忽略LidSwitch并重启服务生效 sudo vi /etc/systemd/logind.conf# set HandleLidSwitch=ignoresudo service systemd-logind restart 参考# power management - How can I tell Ubuntu to do nothing when I close my laptop lid?
Don’t suspend when laptop lid is closed Actually, I have noticed that the recent versions of Ubuntu are smarter in this sense. When the laptop is connected to a docking station and you close the lid, it doesn’t go in suspend mode. That’s the normal expected behavior but it may not...
One of the ways to save battery on Ubuntu without losing work is to use the suspend mode. I prefer to link with the lid action of my laptop. If I close the lid of the laptop, it goes to suspend/sleep mode and when I open the lid, it wakes up. However, there are several users ...
It appears that eeepc_laptop module is not loading. Touchscreen will work with xserver-xorg-input-evtouch driver and some configuration of xorg.conf. Asus Eee 1005HA Tested with 9.04 NBR. Wireless (Atheros AR9285) doesn't work out of the box. The ath9k module which is supplied by ...
The only work around I have for this is to log into a TTY and then restart the laptop. In case it's significant, the exact process I go through is as follows: Lock my screen (Ctrl+Alt+L), close the laptop lid (power management is set to just blank the screen instead of susp...
The atieventsd daemon is a daemon that monitors various acpi events (it does this by connecting with the acpid daemon), such as a laptop lid close, or an AC connect/disconnect, presumably to let the GPU know for reasons of power saving. See the man page for more info. On my system,...
When closing the lid on a Unibody Macbook, the screen interacts with the touchpad. This can cause spurious gestures and clicks, and potentially lead to corrupted input driver state if the laptop suspends. To work around the issue, remove and reload the kernel module after resume by running: ...
you know it’s rarely an easy task. After installing your favorite Linux distribution on your brand new laptop, you log in and discover that the Bluetooth doesn’t work so you cannot use your wireless mouse. Later on, you close your laptop lid, put it in your bag and when you reopen ...
and I am using a Bluetooth mouse with it. Suspend/Resume on closing and opening the laptop lid works consistently. It is also well-equipped with external ports; on the left side you can see the lock connection, RJ45 wired network port, HDMI, USB 3.0 (Type A), ...
Latest firmware update break wake up on T15g G1 Ubuntu 22.04.3 Hi, Running long time Ubuntu on my T15g without issues. Prevous firmware update was more than 1 year ago. After update to latest firmware (0.1.35/36) wake up no more works. Laptop freeze. No entries ...