gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-action 这个命令会返回一个整数值,代表当前设置的合上盖子行为(例如,休眠、关机、不做任何事情等)。你可以根据gsettings的文档或者Ubuntu的官方文档来找到对应的整数值,并使用以下命令来设置你想要的行为: bash gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemo...
在侧边栏的常规(General)选项卡中,关闭“笔记本电脑盖合上时挂起(Suspend when laptop lid is closed)”按钮。 change lid close behavior ubuntu 这就好了。你不需要重启即可使更改生效。 现在,让我们谈谈命令行方法。 方法2:更改登录配置(针对高级用户) 如果你查看文件/etc/systemd/logind.conf的内容,你将看到三...
增加另外一种方法: 2nd Option:Run dconf-editor then go"org->gnome->settings-daemon->plugins->power". Here you should have the possibility to set various options(buttons actions,sleep,etc.). Among them you should have the'lid-close-battery-action'and'lid-close-ac-action settings'. If not ...
Sometimes I can close the lid and wait for about a 1-2 minutes till I can see the power button blinking (suspended again). Than I open the lid and see this for a short time (1-2 seconds), but then everything still not responsible: Update to 22.04.1 didn't help. ...
My desktop is always running and my laptop only fully shuts down if the battery dies. I just close the lid and throw it in my bag. It would be very nice if this would help me in squeezing some more juice out of my laptop. 2 Likes colinux December 7, 2020, 7:39pm 13 Manjaro...
On the Updates tab, set Show new distribution releases: to Long term support releases only, then press Close. Press Alt-F2 and type update-manager -d Click the Check button to check for new updates. If there are any updates to install, use the Install Updates button to install them, and...
You must be looking at the On Batter Power menu. That menu doesn’t have the option for “Do Nothing” as is on the On AC Power menu. If this is the case, the only solution I see is to plug in the laptop if you need to close the lid while hooked up to an external monitor. ...
Android屏幕禁止休眠的方法 实现这一功能的方法有两种,一种是在Manifest.xml文件里面声明,一种是在代码里面修改LayoutParams的标志位。具体如下: 1、在Manifest.xml文件里面用user-permission声明。代码如下: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission ...