ubuntu服务器上提示 To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". See " 解决方案 原因是你执行命令必须要在root用户下执行、其他用户权限不够、运行 sudo -s 切换到root用户下就可以了
新服务器通过ubuntu用户登陆报To run a command as administrator (user "root"),执行以下命令即可touch~/.sudo_as_admin_successful然后通过exit退出终端,再重新连接就不会报这个错了
-u, --user="" Sets the username or UID used and optionally the groupname or GID for the specified command. The followings examples are all valid: --user [user | user:group | uid | uid:gid | user:gid | uid:group ] Without this argument the command will be run as root in the ...
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
问题如下图:解决办法:进入到/usr/share/applications目录下,将Google Chrome的快捷方式复制到桌面,然后右键,选择属性,将Command的内容修改成:/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U - -user-data-dir=/root/.co
Connect to host1 and host2, and print "hello, world" from each: pssh -i -H "host1 host2" echo "hello, world" Print "hello, world" from each host specified in the file hosts.txt: pssh -i -h hosts.txt echo "hello, world" Run a command as root with a prompt for the root pa...
Is it possible to run a command as root without password and entering sudo? - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1294909/is-it-possible-to-run-a-command-as-root-without-password-and-entering-sudo How to use sed to delete timestamp pattern from a zero-terminated list of file names - https...
Docker Engine. Thedockerservice starts automatically on Debian based distributions. OnRPMbased distributions, such as CentOS, Fedora, RHEL or SLES, you need to start it manually using the appropriatesystemctlorservicecommand. As the message indicates, non-root users can't run Docker commands by ...
# This fileMUSTbe editedwiththe'visudo'commandasroot.# # Please consider adding local contentin/etc/sudoers.d/insteadof# directly modifyingthisfile.# # See the man pagefordetails on how to write a sudoers file.# Defaults env_reset
firefly@Desktop:~$ adb shell # su firefly To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". See "man sudo_root" for details. firefly@firefly:/$ #到这里命令行就可以正常使用了 用户也可以使用命令 adb shell /bin/bash,也可以进入正常的命令行模式。 可以输入 adb help...