首先在终端切花到root,命令如下:sudo su 然后输入密码即可 然后在执行就好了。
Please start Google Chrome as a normal user. To run as root, you must specify an alternate –user-data-dir for storage of profile information. 意思是Chrome不允许在root下运行,由于这是VPS不是自家电脑,因此换用户有点蛋疼,寻觅网络试过很多方法,比如修改FLAGS之类的都失败,最后找到个不错的方法,在此...
新服务器通过ubuntu用户登陆报To run a command as administrator (user "root"),执行以下命令即可touch~/.sudo_as_admin_successful然后通过exit退出终端,再重新连接就不会报这个错了
Ubuntu caches the repository data at the system boot. It uses the cached data til the system is up. It does not actively monitor the repositories list. Any change to it will not work until you reboot the system or run the following command. Run this command every time you create or upda...
When you install Ubuntu Frame on Ubuntu Core, it will start automatically as a system service. It’s a simple solution, but has a handful of disadvantages: it runs asroot as a result, its clients need to run asroot the clients need to be specially crafted to run as system services ...
ubuntu服务器上提示 To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo ". See " 解决方案 原因是你执行命令必须要在root用户下执行、其他用户权限不够、运行 sudo -s 切换到root用户下就可以了
这一步最好添加上,防止后面报错(一般如果之前使用“ubuntu自带的软件更新器”进行更新后,就不用这步) sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) 7.4,辅助依赖安装 如果这部分没有安装,后续驱动和cuda可能报错(貌似nvidia驱动一定程度上可以自己按安装缺少驱动) ...
adb root : adbd cannot run as root in production builds 2015-04-10 17:02 −在有些android手机上使用adb root希望获取root权限时出现如下提示信息:adbd cannot run as root in production builds。此时提升root权限的方法是: 1。在android手机上获取超级用户权限; 2。使用adb shell命令登录到andro... ...
原因分析: 缺失了文件 .sudo_as_admin_successful 解决方法: 创建新的文件 touch ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful
Ubuntu18.04开启root 2019-12-18 16:20 −打开终端执行sudo passwd root输入密码确认密码打开文件"/etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin"将这个文件中的"auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root q... Phyday 0 1897 Linux pam 后门纪录root用户密码以及自己设置root密码登录root ...