{print $8}’ 使用ssh方式同步远程数据到本地目录 rsync -Pa -I –size-only –delete –timeout=300 Remote_IP:/home/ubuntu /backup 增加7Z 压缩软件 sudo apt-get install p7zip p7zip-full p7zip-rar 增加rar 软件压缩和解压缩支持 sudo apt-get install rar unrar 解压缩 xxx.tar.gz tar -zxvf ...
cgroup.GetHugePageSizes has been removed entirely, and been replaced with cgroup.HugePageSizes which is more efficient intelrdt.GetIntelRdtPath has been removed. Users who were using this function to get the intelrdt root should use the new intelrdt.Root instead. Ruby 3.0 The default Ruby i...
[snapcraft] scrape files with LICENSE or full path contains LICENSE Feb 12, 2025 src Merge pull request#3927from canonical/font-size-localisation Feb 12, 2025 tests [tests] add log level to string unit tests Feb 20, 2025 tools [gha] update team in process_snaps.py ...
sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json# 将如下内容复制到/etc/docker/daemon.json{"registry-mirrors":["https://hub-mirror.c.163.com","https://mirror.baidubce.com","https://xxx.mirror.aliyuncs.com"# 阿里云],"data-root":"/data/docker",# docker镜像存储地址"runtimes":{"nvidia":{"path":"/us...
I installed VirtualBox on Windows. I set it up to boot Ubuntu14. I enabled the virtualization option for the CPU to enabled (before that, the VM would not boot up complaining about i686 CPU). I rebooted the OS. After this, when I try starting the VM, it gives the following error: ...
# 解决方案# 1. 创建一个文件 nvm2vim nvm2# 2. 写入一下两行内容, 第一行相当于定义 nvm 函数, 第二行执行. 这样 nvm 函数就变成了 nvm2 文件.# . /path/to/tools/nvm/nvm.sh# nvm $@# 3. 代理运行 nvm install nodeproxychains4 nvm install node ...
sudo apt-get autoremove这三个命令主要清理升级缓存以及无用包的。 2,清理opera firefox的缓存文件: ls ~/.opera/cache4 ls ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache 3,清理Linux下孤立的包: 图形界面下我们可以用:gtkorphan sudo apt-get install gtkorphan -y ...
It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu. More on this at: https://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/ Or get involved with the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter team! We always need summary writers and editors, if you're interested, learn ...
sudo apt-getupgrade 使用本地时区 使用双系统时,往往两者时间会不正确,可以通过如下命令让 Ubuntu 使用本地时区; 代码语言:javascript 复制 timedatectl set-local-rtc1 卸载自带的“无用”软件 此处说的“无用”软件,因人而异,笔者只是提供建议,建议卸载软件列表如下(可能还有些没咋用的没列出,读者可以自行决定...
Specify multiple values to get an octopus merge. If you wish to setup git pull so that it merges into <name> from another branch in the local repository, you can point branch.<name>.merge to the desired branch, and use the relative path setting . (a period) for branch.<name>.remote...