点击右上角的键盘的图标,进入configure,点击右下角的+,取消勾选only show current language,搜索pinyin,选中google pinyin然后点击ok就可以了。 默认是ctrl+space切换输入法,进入输入法后可以通过shift来切换中英文输入。和win的不同就是默认没有联想输入和模糊输入,打字的时候需要更多的注意一下细节。 常见快捷操作 ...
CURRENT_PATH := $(shell pwd) obj-m := hello_driver.o build: kernel_modules kernel_modules: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) modules clean: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) clean 其中KERNELDIR就是ubuntu build内核的路径,至于什么作用下,先不用管,先暂时照着写,后...
date -s mm/dd/yy 设置时间 date -s HH:MM 将时间写入CMOS hwclock –systohc 查看CMOS时间 hwclock –show 读取CMOS时间 hwclock –hctosys 从服务器上同步时间 sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com 设置电脑的时区为上海 sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime 关闭UTC,将当前时间写入CMOS。
Another year, another ROSCon! This year we’re setting off to Odense, Denmark. At Canonical, we are excited to once again sponsor this event for a community... TurtleBot3 OpenCR firmware update from a snap The TurtleBot3 robot is a standard platform robot in the ROS community, and it’...
The instance will now show up as deleted: $ multipass list Name State IPv4 Image dancing-chipmunk Deleted -- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS phlegmatic-bluebird Stopped -- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS docker Running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS If you want to completely get rid of it: ...
ROS ESM extends the support window of ROS and Ubuntu an extra 5 years. While ROS ESM allows you to be compliant for the time being, you can also explore your migration path. For instance, you can use tools like theROS 1 – ROS 2 bridge. This can help you develop new features on ROS...
We can now move on and install a service to show the status of our WAN and LAN interfaces turning the wan_led and lan_led ON and OFF. Monitor the health of NanoPi R2S with htop. Install Source code (updated) Testing USB Realtek 8152 ...
取消勾选Only Show Current Language,然后搜索 Sogou 进行添加!无法添加的话注销账号重登一下。添加成功还是需要注销账号重登一下,Shift切换中英文就可使用输入法。 然后进行一些个性化配置: 登录账号进行账号同步; 关于皮肤,我最喜欢简约的白色卡片,可以调节字体颜色: ...
--path=<path> The location to install the gems in the bundle to. This defaults to the gem home, which is the location that gem install installs gems to. This means that, by default, gems installed without a --path setting will show up in gem list. This setting is a remembered ...