(4) 重启电脑后在屏幕的右上角已经存在一个键盘标志,用户可通过 点击图标 -> configure current input method 对输入法进行配置,在笔者的安装过程中,此时搜狗输入法已经在弹出的配置窗口中。若此时配置窗口中并不存在 Sogou Pinyin 选项,则可以点击界面右下角的 “+” 图标,取消勾选 Only show current language,...
点击右上角的键盘的图标,进入configure,点击右下角的+,取消勾选only show current language,搜索pinyin,选中google pinyin然后点击ok就可以了。默认是ctrl+space切换输入法,进入输入法后可以通过shift来切换中英文输入。和win的不同就是默认没有联想输入和模糊输入,打字的时候需要更多的注意一下细节。 常见快捷操作 ...
CURRENT_PATH := $(shell pwd) obj-m := hello_driver.o build: kernel_modules kernel_modules: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) modules clean: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) clean 其中KERNELDIR就是ubuntu build内核的路径,至于什么作用下,先不用管,先暂时照着写,后...
scp -rp /path/filename username@remoteIP:/path #将本地文件拷贝到服务器上 scp -rp username@remoteIP:/path/filename /path #将远程文件从服务器下载到本地 tar cvzf - /path/ | ssh username@remoteip "cd /some/path/; cat -> path.tar.gz" #压缩传输 tar cvzf - /path/ | ssh username@r...
export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$PATH" export VERSION_FLAG=https://cdn.asahilinux.org/installer/latest export INSTALLER_BASE=https://cdn.asahilinux.org/installer export INSTALLER_DATA=https://ubuntuasahi.org/installer_data.json export REPO_BASE=https://files.tobhe.de/ubuntu #TM...
date -s mm/dd/yy 设置时间 date -s HH:MM 将时间写入CMOS hwclock –systohc 查看CMOS时间 hwclock –show 读取CMOS时间 hwclock –hctosys 从服务器上同步时间 sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com 设置电脑的时区为上海 sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime 关闭UTC,将当前时间写入CMOS。
access.log查找关于xxx的命令apropos xxxman -k xxx通过ssh传输文件将本地文件拷贝到服务器scp -rp /path/filename usernameremoteIP:/path #scp -rp usernameremoteIP:/path/filename /path #将远程文件从服务器下载到本血tar cvzf - /path/ | ssh usernameremoteip cd /some/path/; cat - path.tar.gz...
取消勾选Only Show Current Language,然后搜索 Sogou 进行添加!无法添加的话注销账号重登一下。添加成功还是需要注销账号重登一下,Shift切换中英文就可使用输入法。 然后进行一些个性化配置: 登录账号进行账号同步; 关于皮肤,我最喜欢简约的白色卡片,可以调节字体颜色: ...
Note that shell commands will be executed from the top-level directory of a repository, which may not necessarily be the current directory. GIT_PREFIX is set as returned by running git rev-parse --show-prefix from the original current directory. See git-rev-parse(1). am.keepcr If true,...
Do you expect people to expect something different occurring when the public facing entry points for contributors show a defunct group? As a former doc team lead i can say when i was on the team we kept these updated and there wasn’t any guess work as to whether the team was active. ...