cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.01) project(SURF) set(OpenCV_DIR /home/zxy/software/opencv/opencv3.4.15/share/OpenCV) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) #find_package( Opencv REQUIRED ) find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(...
1).find /tmp -name core -type f -print |xargs /bin/rm -f xargs:从标准的输入中编译并执行命令行。 2).find $HOME -mtime 0 寻找从现在开始到这之前24小时内的被修改的文件。因为不足24小时故为0. 3).find . -type f -exec file '{}' \; .表示当前目录,f表示常规文件,'{}'表示代指find...
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process:exec:"apt": executable file not foundin$PATH: unknown. My “red team” skills are failing me. Note thatdocker execwould have the same result. I...
In the terminal, typewhich <executable name>. (In this case,which dolphin) Write down the value printed on the terminal. This is the full executable path. Any If you did not launch the application through the Main Menu or cannot use the Menu Editor, you can usexpropto find the related...
Make sure that the network is connected and configured correctly. For example, you must configure the DNS server on the Linux VDA.If you are using a Ubuntu Live Server, make the following change in the /etc/cloud/cloud.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) project(main) find_package(Torch REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${TORCH_CXX_FLAGS}") add_executable(main main.cpp) target_compile_features(main PUBLIC cxx_range_for) target_link_libraries(main ${TORCH_LIBRARIES}) set_property(TARGET ...
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(GTK REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET gtk+-3.0) add_definitions(-DAPPLICATION_ID="${APPLICATION_ID}") # Application build add_executable(${BINARY_NAME} "" "" "${FLUTTER_MANAGED_DIR}/" ...
This is used as the login shell for new windows when the default-command option is set to empty, and must be the full path of the executable. When started tmux tries to set a default value from the first suitable of the SHELL environment variable, the shell returned by getpwuid(3), or...
ubuntupreview.exe install --autoinstall <WINDOWS PATH TO THE YAML FILE> It’s important to note that the config file exists on the Windows file system, since at this point we didn’t set up the distro instance just yet. Also, the distro launcher is a Windows executable. Thus the path ...