which命令的作用是,在PATH变量指定的路径中,搜索某个系统命令的位置,并且返回第一个搜索结果。也就是说,使用which命令,就可以看到某个系统命令是否存在,以及执行的到底是哪一个位置的命令。 which命令的使用实例: $ which grep 5. type Java代码 type命令其实不能算查找命令,它是用来区分某个命令到底是由shell自带...
在桌面目录下新建 01.py 的 软链接 FirstPython # 分别使用 相对路径 和 绝对路径 建立 FirstPython 的软链接 #① 相对路径 python@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ln -s demo/b/c/01.py FirstPython python@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ls -l 总用量 24 -rw-rw-r-- 1 python python 237 9月 13 09:40 123.txt drwxr...
find /apps -path "/apps/bin" -prune -o –print 在/apps目录下查找文件,但不希望在/apps/bin目录下查找 find /usr/sam -path "/usr/sam/dir1" -prune -o –print 在/usr/sam目录下查找不在dir1子目录之内的所有文件 -user 按照文件属主来查找文件。 find ~ -user sam –print 在$HOME目录中查...
find /path/to/directory/ -iname [*]FILENAME[*] Example of Using Wildcards when Finding Files on Ubuntu For example, you could use the following command if you wanted to find all “.conf” files within the “/etc/nginx/” directory on Ubuntu. Since we wanted to find files that used ...
find 命令语法格式:$ find <path> {file-or-directory-name} <options> <action-on-result> <...
$ find /path/to/file/ -iname filename* For instance, to search files that start with the word "cent", run the following command in Terminal: $ find /home/tin/ -iname cent* Search for empty files You can also search for empty files using the Find command. The general syntax would ...
翻看了CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH的文档页面,此变量是若干其它变量取值的拼接,不建议修改;鼓励修改CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH。 而CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH的文档页面,则表明了它是用来在find_package(),find_library(),find_program(),find_file(),find_path()等命令中执行查找时提供prefix的选择。
To view the size of each file in bytes, you can use the-lsoption (and2>&-to remove the error messages): sudo find / -size +50M -ls 2>&- The 7th column provides the size of each file, in bytes. To view just the file path, type, and size, you can use the-printfoption, as...