scp -rp /path/filename username@remoteIP:/path #将本地文件拷贝到服务器上 scp -rp username@remoteIP:/path/filename /path #将远程文件从服务器下载到本地 tar cvzf - /path/ | ssh username@remoteip "cd /some/path/; cat -> path.tar.gz" #压缩传输 tar cvzf - /path/ | ssh username@r...
32、68.2.0/24 -p tcp -dport http# j DROP#21端口,规则插入到前面sudo iptables -t filter -I INPUT -s 3 -p tcp -dport ftp -j DROP安全检查本地是否存在安全隐患sudo apt-get install rkhuntersudo rkhunter -checkall如何安装杀毒软件sudo apt-get install clamavclamscan -r /Linux下可以使用的商...
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
cd /path/to/source_folder # 切换到包含你想复制的文件的文件夹:/path/to/source_folder cp * /path/to/destination_folder/ # 将当前文件夹下的所有文件和文件夹复制到目标文件夹 cp -R * /path/to/destination_folder/ # 只复制文件,而不复制子文件夹,-R表示递归复制 mv xxx.txt test/ 移动文件夹 ...
通过ssh传输文件 :scp -rp /path/filename username@remoteIP:/path 把所有文件的后辍由rm改为rmvb :rename ’s/.rm$/.rmvb/’ * 把所有文件名中的大写改为小写:rename ‘tr/A-Z/a-z/’ * 删除特殊文件名 –help.txt 的文件:rm —–help.txt 或 rm ./–help.txt ...
Check the current pid_max settings: # cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max As root, consider setting kernel.pid_max to a higher number of threads. The theoretical maximum is 4,194,303 threads. For example, add the following to the /etc/sysctl.conf file to set it to the maximum v...
{print $1}’|sort|uniq -c|sort -r -n 把终端加到右键菜单 sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal 如何删除Totem电影播放机的播放历史记录 rm ~/.recently-used vim 如何显示彩色字符 sudo cp /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/vimrc_example.vim /usr/share/vim/vimrc 让vim 直接支持编辑 .gz 文件 ...
If you’re using systemd, runit, or upstart, we already ship examples, check for example configurations. If however you’re not using one of these tools, you have a couple of options. If your system has a tool called start-stop-daemo...
To configure your current shell, run: source "$HOME/.cargo/env" sammy@ubuntu:~$ Next, run the following command to add the Rust toolchain directory to the PATH environment variable: source$HOME/.cargo/env Copy Step 2 — Verifying the Installation ...
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process:exec:"bash": executable file not foundin$PATH: unknown. rich@MacBook-Air-2 dotnetapp % docker run --rm--entrypoint apt dotnetapp-chiseled install...