方法一:官方推荐的Softwre &Updates https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#3-check-for-updates 方法二:命令行 # sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt autoremove sudo apt dist-upgrade sudo do-release-upgrade #桌面版 #sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop -d 1. 2. 3. 4....
The default Ruby interpreter was updated to version 3.0, whose goal is performance, concurrency, and Typing. To have a broad overview about the cool features and improvements check out theRuby 3.0 Release Announcement. Users coming from previous Ubuntu releases ( Ubuntu Focal 20.04 onward) will be...
Ubuntu20.10中安装boost 1.75库一、下载Boost 1.75源代码二、编译安装boost 1.75源代码 1、解压boost_1_75_0.tar.gz源代码 2、运行bootstrap.sh...二、编译安装boost 1.75源代码将从boost_1_75_0.tar.gz下载后的boos...
Ubuntu is widely used to reduce time to market in automotive companies, as a platform for data analytics, online services, robotics and machine learning. Infotainment, ADAS and cockpit application development on Ubuntu is faster. New real-time hypervisor
Ubuntu 18.10 comes with refreshed state of the art toolchain including new upstream releases of glibc 2.28, ☕ OpenJDK 11, boost 1.67, rustc 1.28, and updated GCC 8.2, 🐍 python 3.6.7 as default, python 3.7.1 as supported, 💎 ruby 2.5.1, php 7.2.10, 🐪 perl 5.26.2, golang...
Enroll and become a certified expert to boost your career.Installing UbuntuNow let’s learn about installing the desktop version of Ubuntu. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will go with the latest version which is 16.04. The installer is a ISO image which can be mounted on a DVD ...
checking for boost... no checking for OpenMP... yes checking for __builtin_popcount()... yes checking for __builtin_clz()... yes checking for __builtin_ctz()... yes checking if gcc supports __sync_add_and_fetch for the primary target... yes ...
2、Boost安装 下载对应的Boost安装包,本文用的Boost安装包版本为boost_1_59_0.tar.bz2,解压之: tar --bzip2 -xf <目标文件夹> 进入boost解压目录,可以通过如下命令查看安装帮助: ./bootstrap.sh --help 安装命令: ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=<安装目录> // 默认安装目录为/usr/local,我使用的是默认安装目...
Using default boost lib dir: /usr/lib Using default boost include dir: /usr/include Checking for C++ header file boost/version.hpp... yes Checking for Boost version >= 1.47... yes Found boost lib version... 1_71 Checking for C++ library boost_system... yes ...
Boost Regex内存越界、内存池 libudev-dev Luajit2 in Sol2 Sol2 load lib from source CTest parallel bug 本文为项目github.com/yhyu13/HLVM-的本地配置文档,是工作中受UE启发的个人游戏引擎练习项目,在搭建游戏引擎关键基础设施的同时,额外目标是创造比UE5更友好更便捷的pak文件查读和内存管理、遥测系统,同时...