更新软件包列表: 打开Ubuntu终端,并运行以下命令来更新软件包列表: bash sudo apt update 安装Boost库: 使用apt-get命令安装libboost-all-dev包,这将安装Boost库的所有组件: bash sudo apt install libboost-all-dev 方法二:源码编译安装 如果你需要安装特定版本的Boost或者对安装过程有更高的定制化需求,可以选择...
Boost is a mighty C++ library used by many developers to provide various functions. If you’re on Ubuntu 22.04 and want to install Boost, follow these steps. The Boost C++ libraries are a group of C++ libraries that are open-source and offer support for common tasks and functionalities in ...
conanfile.txt: [requires] Poco/1.7.8p3@pocoproject/stable Boost/1.67.0@lasote/stable [generators] cmake [options] Boost:shared=False Poco:shared=False Run command : conan install .. Output : Boost/1.67.0@lasote/stable: Not found in local...
Ubuntu install boost Install sudo apt-get install libboost-dev Example #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "boost/regex.hpp" int main() { boost::regex reg("(Colo)(u)(r)", boost::regex::icase|boost::regex::perl); std::string s="Colour, colours, color, colourize"; s=b...
Read:How to install Boost on Ubuntu 22.04 Check for existing java installation In order to check if Java is already installed on your Ubuntu, open up the terminal and run the command: java -version As you can see above, Java is not installed on our Ubuntu, but the system is suggesting ...
install_boost_on_ubuntu xenial ;; *Bionic*) install_boost_on_ubuntu bionic ;; *) $SUDO apt-get install -y gcc ;; esac if ! test -r debian/control ; then echo debian/control is not a readable file exit 1
TRUE CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Boost-1.71.0/BoostConfig.cmake:117 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "boost_program_options" (requested version 1.71.0) with any of the following names: boost_program_optionsConfig.cmake boost_progr...
[ ! $NO_BOOST_PKGS ] && install_boost_on_ubuntu bionic ;; *Disco*) [ ! $NO_BOOST_PKGS ] && apt-get install -y libboost1.67-all-dev ;; *) $SUDO apt-get install -y gcc ;; esac if ! test -r debian/control ; then ...
参考解决文档: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21510633/my-apt-got-messed-up-installing-boost 1 sudoapt-getinstalllibboost1.54-dev 执行上面命令后,再执行命令 1 sudoapt-getinstall--no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev 就可以安装成功 libboost_python...
所以 brew install boost 这个命令非常重要。...另外就是velocyto-team的velocyto.R依赖于Mac电脑里面的gcc组件,主要是 gfortran,我之前使用brew安装过gcc但是它并不在默认目录,所以首先需要新建一个适合自己的操作学徒版本的默认目录...new_gcc路径,也可以是 /usr/local/gfortran/lib,如果我们的brew安装过...