Comment=auto start myapplication Exec=/usr/wps (路径为想要运行的程序路径,如想运行脚本文件只需在前面添加sh即可,例“Exec=sh /usr/wps”) Iocn= Type=Application 13.右击“myapplication.desktop”文件点击属性 14.进入“myapplication.desktop”文件权限设置,将访问全设置为读写 15.点击右上角菜单栏,点击关...
autologin-user=work autologin-session=openbox 在/usr/share/xsessions/下创建Qt程序app.desktop文件(也可由openbox去启动): [Desktop Entry]Name=qt appComment=This session exec qt appExec=app-path/app [arg]TryExec=app-path/app [arg]Icon=Type=Application 保存后重启。 附:openbox一些界面配置 安装...
[DesktopEntry]Name=myapplicationComment=autostartmyapplicationExec=/usr/wps(路径为想要运行的程序路径,如想运行脚本文件只需在前面添加sh即可,例“Exec=sh/usr/wps”)Iocn=Type=Application 13.右击“myapplication.desktop”文件点击属性 14.进入“myapplication.desktop”文件权限设置,将访问全设置为读写 15.点击...
The need for setuid applications can be reduced via the application of filesystem capabilities using the xattrs available to most modern filesystems. This reduces the possible misuse of vulnerable setuid applications. The kernel provides the support, and the user-space tools are in main ("...
Desktop 版: Launcher 中搜索Startup Application, 并点击打开, 直接增加启动项即可. 6 硬盘操作 6.1 硬盘分区操作 # 查看已挂载磁盘df -h# 查看所有磁盘 (包括未挂载的磁盘)sudo fdisk -l# 查看某个磁盘sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda# 对某个磁盘操作sudo fdisk /dev/sda# 此时会进入操作模式, 按 m 显示...
[Desktop Entry] Name=myapplication...Comment=auto start myapplication Exec=(路径为想要运行的程序路径,如想运行脚本文件只需在前面添加sh即可,例“Exec=sh /usr/wps”) Type=Application...在 [daemon] 部分中添加或取消注释以下行: # WaylandEnable=false 确保该行没有注释符号 # 开头,这样就会禁用 ...
sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get clean A kernel module is missing from the alternate/mini isos; what can I do?The text/debian installers use a reduced kernel so occasionly it maybe the case that a module you need is missing. This was the case in 11.10 for ...
This command boots the system and runs the installation. The installer prompts for a confirmation before modifying the disk. To skip the need for a confirmation, interrupt the booting process, and add theautoinstallparameter to the kernel command line. ...
But not all applications do this. For applications like Transmission or qBitTorrent torrent clients, there is no built-in option to auto start. Fret not. I’ll show you a neat trick that you can use to autostart almost any application. ...
desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=PyCharm Professional Edition Icon=~/app/program/pycharm-professional/bin/pycharm.svg Exec="~/app/program/pycharm-professional/bin/" %f Comment=Python IDE for Professional Developers Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=false Startup...