and click the tab[Application Autostart]. Autostart applications are stored as[name.desktop]in~/.config/autostart/. 或者,将希望运行的命令(包括设置环境变量)添加到xinitrc(或使用显示管理器时的xprofile)。 Tip: Sometimes it might be useful to delay the startup of an application. Note that specifying...
and click the tab[Application Autostart]. Autostart applications are stored as[name.desktop]in~/.config/autostart/. 或者,将希望运行的命令(包括设置环境变量)添加到xinitrc(或使用显示管理器时的xprofile)。 Tip: Sometimes it might be useful to delay the startup of an application. Note that specifying...
Type=Application Name=conky Exec=your_action StartupNotify=false Terminal=false 2. copy/paste a .desktop file Go to /usr/share/applications and copy/paste the desired application in your ~/.config/autostart 3. use the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool Follow some simple steps to autocreate the .desktop f...
或者使用update-rc.d命令加入开机自启,此时,开机自启脚本需要加入LSB信息,内容如下: root@kylin-pc:/home/kylin/桌面# cat /etc/init.d/test_start #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: test # Required-Start: $all # Required-Stop: $all # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: ...
autostart tools to set your application auto startup after desktop login,only for desktop version of linux , windows , mac. Behavior On Linux and BSD, it creates a .desktop file inXDGCONFIGHOME/autostart(i.e.XDGCONFIGHOME/autostart(i.e.HOME/.config/autostart). See
autostart tools to set your application auto startup after desktop login,only for desktop version of linux , windows , mac. Behavior On Linux and BSD, it creates a .desktop file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart (i.e. $HOME/.config/autostart). See
Automating DESTDIR can be a pain, so it’s best if the program supports it to start with; my package Auto-DESTDIR can automatically support DESTDIR in some cases if the program installation does not support it to begin with. Also see
2. Run the following command to check whether chrony is set to launch at startup. systemctl is-enabled chronyd.service If chrony is set to launch at startup, run the following command to remove chrony from the auto-start list. chrony is not compatible with ntpd, which may lead to ntpd...
{"displayName":"config-app"},"properties": {"publisher":"Microsoft.Azure.Extensions","type":"CustomScript","typeHandlerVersion":"2.1","autoUpgradeMinorVersion":true,"settings": { },"protectedSettings": {"commandToExecute":"sh ","fileUris": ["
在longan/brandy/brandy-2.0/目录下,执行 ./ -p 平台名称,可以快速完成整个 boot 编译动作。这个平台名称是指,LICHEE_CHIP。 代码语言:javascript 复制 ./{LICHEE_CHIP}//快速编译spl/U-Boot./ spl-pub-p{LICHEE_CHIP}//快速编译spl-pub./ uboot-p{LICHEE_CHIP...