sudo iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE 查看路由信息netstat -rn 或 sudo route -n 手工增加一条路由 sudo route add -net netmask gw 手工删除一条路由 sudo route del -net netmask gw 修改网卡MAC地址的方法 sudo ...
sudo apt install xrdp # 安装,默认自动启动 sudo systemctl status xrdp # 验证是否在运行 sudo adduser xrdp ssl-cert # 添加xrdp用到到ssl-cert组,不修改,默认只读 sudo systemctl restart xrdp # 重启xrdp服务 配置好后,就可以用Windows自带的远程桌面软件输入服务器的IP地址,就可以访问服务器。 4.7 安装 ...
Add SQL Server tools to the path by default:echoAdding SQL Server tools to your path...echoPATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin">> ~/.bash_profileecho'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"'>> ~/.bashrcsource~/.bashrc# Optional Enable SQL Server Agent:if[ ! -z$SQL_ENABLE_AGENT...
$ sudo addgroup groupname Linux(Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora):使用groupadd命令创建用户组。例如,创建名为groupname的用户组: $ sudo groupadd groupname 将用户加入用户组: Linux(Debian/Ubuntu):使用adduser命令将用户加入用户组。例如,将名为username的用户加入名为groupname的用户组: $ sudo adduser username group...
{"configurations":[{"name":"(gdb) 启动","type":"cppdbg","request":"launch","program":"${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe","args":[],"stopAtEntry":false,"cwd":"${fileDirname}","environment":[],"externalConsole":false,"MIMode":"gdb","miDebuggerPath":"C:/MinGW/bin/gd...
Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things.
using 'sudo -k' or 'sudo -K' to remove the timestamps (see 'man sudo' for details). add the above 'sudo -k' to ${HOME}/.bash_logout to automatically expire timestamps when the associated shell exits. However, note that this will only work for shells that are started as login ...
To update to the latest version ofmssql-tools, run the following commands: Bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mssql-tools18 Optional: Add/opt/mssql-tools18/bin/to yourPATHenvironment variable in a bash shell. To makesqlcmdandbcpaccessible from the bash shell for login sessions...
By default, the linker uses "_init" as the function to call. -larchive --library=archive Add archive file archive to the list of files to link. This option may be used any number of times. ld will search its path-list for occurrences of "libarchive.a" for every archive specified. ...
scp -r username@remote_host:/path/to/remote/folder /local/destination -r参数表示递归复制整个目录。 username是你在远程服务器上的用户名。 remote_host是远程服务器的地址,可以是IP地址或者域名。 /path/to/remote/folder是远程服务器上你想拷贝的文件夹路径。