Add SQL Server tools to the path by default:echoAdding SQL Server tools to your path...echoPATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin">> ~/.bash_profileecho'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"'>> ~/.bashrcsource~/.bashrc# Optional Enable SQL Server Agent:if[ ! -z$SQL_ENABLE_AGENT...
systemctl可用於檢查和控制systemd(1) 系統與服務管理器的狀態。 選項 能夠識別的命令列選項如下:-t,--type=引數必須是一個 逗號分隔的單元型別列表(例如"service,socket")。 在列出單元時,如果使用了此選項, 那麼表示只列出指定型別的單元, 否則將列出所有型別的單 元。 此外,作為特例,使用--type=help表示...
This would reload your PATH environment variable to include Cargo's bin directory ($HOME/.cargo/bin). To configure your current shell, run: source "$HOME/.cargo/env" sammy@ubuntu:~$ Next, run the following command to add the Rust toolchain directory to the PATH environment variable: source...
Add readthedocs config file Jul 10, 2023 readme: make a contributing section and point to Nov 7, 2023 document what happens to the API when the server restarts May 23, 2024 LICENSE ...
# Ifthisis an xtermsetthe title to user@host:dircase"$TERM"inxterm*|rxvt*)PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1";;*);;esac # enable color supportofls and also add handy aliasesif[-x/usr/bin/dircolors];then ...
To update to the latest version ofmssql-tools, run the following commands: Bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mssql-tools18 Optional: Add/opt/mssql-tools18/bin/to yourPATHenvironment variable in a bash shell. To makesqlcmdandbcpaccessible from the bash shell for login sessions...
Add to your function declaration:__attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) Problems If the upstream source cannot be reasonably fixed and a package must have compiler flags disabled or some other work-around, please open a launchpad bug, tag it with "hardening-ftbfs", and link to it here along...
7. 在“Advanced Installation Options”中不要勾选“Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable.”(“添加Anaconda至我的环境变量。”)。因为如果勾选,则将会影响其他程序的使用。如果使用Anaconda,则通过打开Anaconda Navigator或者在开始菜单中的“Anaconda Prompt”(类似macOS中的“终端”)中进行使用。
How to transition src:foo1 to src:foo2 Sometimes as part of an ABI transitionsrc:foo(N+1)needs to be build on i386 to eventually replacesrc:fooN, for example boost1.71, gcc-11, etc. When such a need arises, one should: ask Archive Admin to add a new versioned abi-source package ...
Option "AutoAddGPU" "boolean" If this option is disabled, then no GPU devices will be added from the udev backend. Enabled by default. (May need to be disabled to setup Xinerama). Option "AutoBindGPU" "boolean" If enabled then secondary GPUs will be automatically set up as output-sinks...