Step 1: Go to analysis page of UALCAN and enter offical symbol of gene(s) in the text area Step 2: Choose the TCGA data set of interest from the drop down menu and click "Explore" button to submit. Step 3: Output page provides links to analysis results and external database links. ...
Methods The dataset of breast cancer were searched in the UALCAN database, and the data obtained were mined and combined with literature analysis. Results The mRNA expression of the SEC24D gene in breast cancer tissues was significantly higher than that of breast normal tissues from the UALCAN ...
We used TPM as the measure of expression, as it has been suggested to be more comparable across samples than FPKM (Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads) and RPKM (Reads Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads) [41]. In addition to gene expression data,...