Today UAE Dirham Rate to Pakistan Rupee (1 AED to PKR) is 0 PKR, all prices are updated every hour to give you the best AED to PKR conversion. This UAE Dirham to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan. Easily...
Currency Converter AED AED INR PKR BDT PHP NPR LKR AUD CAD EUR GBP HKD JPY NZD SGD CHF USD INR INR PKR BDT PHP NPR LKR AUD CAD EUR GBP HKD JPY NZD SGD CHF USD Send Money * Rates are indicative and subject to change. Contact our nearest UAE branches for the latest rates. ...
Currency ConverterAED AED INR PKR BDT PHP NPR LKR AUD CAD EUR GBP HKD JPY NZD SGD CHF USD INR INR PKR BDT PHP NPR LKR AUD CAD EUR GBP HKD JPY NZD SGD CHF USD Send Money* Rates are indicative and subject to change. Contact our nearest UAE branches for the latest rates....
AED to PKR - Convert UAE Dirham to Pakistani Rupees 1 AED to PKR conversion rate is PKR 76.29 as per the State Bank of Pakistan. The buying and selling rates of U.A.E Dirham to Pakistani rupees differ in the interbank and open market rates or currency exchange. In Open Market, the ...
Currency and Exchange RatesThe dirham is the official currency of the UAE. Its ISO code/official abbreviation is AED (Arab Emirate Dirham). Other abbreviations used are DH and Dhs. There are 100 fils in a dirham.Bank notes have values of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 AED...
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Add currencies you use often — or just want to keep an eye on — to your favourites for easy access. Pounds, dollars, pesos galore. Currency Converter is an exchange rate information and news app only and not a currency trading platform. The information shown there does not constitute ...
Currency Converter AED to INRAED to PKRAED to PHPAED to USD Current Gold Rate in Abu DhabiSharjahDubaiUAE FAQs What is a Cashback Credit Card? A Cashback card is a credit card where a percentage of the amount spent on the card is given back to the cardholder, usually in the form of ...
SEYLAN BANK LIMITED UNION BANK OF COLOMBO LTD Instant International fund transfer to International Digital Wallets, using Online and Mobile Banking Fund transfers to an international wallet payee is a new service. The list of wallet providers will be refreshed on an on-going basis. Please note tha...
Currency Converter is an exchange rate information and news app only and not a currency trading platform. The information shown there does not constitute financial advice. Često postavljana pitanja (FAQ) o cijeni What was the highest UAE dirham u gvajanske dolare exchange rate in the last...