The exchange rate of the Dollar to Dirham is 3.67 Dirham. It means that one Dollar is equal to Dirhams. Dirhams are still very strong as compared to the currencies all over the world. A total of 30,000 Dirhams is considered a lot of money. This amount is considered as an acceptable ...
Like; the exchange rate between AED and PKR is relatively important because UAE has strong and better connection with Pakistan. Thereby, trading is also a common practice between both countries. As AED is fixed at USD dollar thereby the AED to PKR exchange rate is always higher. Thus, in ...
New Zealand – 1 New Zealand dollar (NZD) = 2.1 AED Nigeria – 1 Nigerian naira (NGN) = 0.002 AED Oman – 1 Omani rial (OMR) = 9.54 AED Pakistan – 1 Pakistani rupee (PKR) = 0.013 AED Philippines – 1 Philippine peso (PHP) = 0.064 AED Qatar – 1 Qatari riyal (QAR) = 1.01 ...