Saudi Labour Law Latest Labour Laws for Saudi Arabia Qatar Labour Law Latest Labour Laws for Qatar Bahrain Labour Law Latest Labour Laws for Bahrain See more titles & Arabic versions (العربية) Find Top Talent 10 million professionals ...
Furthermore, Article 59 of the UAE Labour Law provides for financial penalty to be imposed on an employee if the employee discloses a trade secret. The UAE’s legal framework, despite lacking a specific law for trade secret protection, could potentially safeguard AI-related trade secrets through...
Find the latest legal news today. Click here to read recent updates on UAE legal news. Get all the updates on UAE law news now.
Workers in the public sector are not governed by the UAE Labour Law. They typically enjoy enhanced rights. For example, the public sector employment laws in Dubai allow generous paid bereavement leave in the case of the death of a spouse or relative. Hajj Leave – Pilgrimage Leave Hajj is t...
Key Amendments to Saudi Arabia's Labour Law Saudi Arabia's ambitious Vision 2030 continues to transform the government's legal framework in a way that will make its labor market more attractive… Read more information Global Presence Abu Dhabi ...
根据阿联酋劳动法(UAE Labour Law),雇主在员工病假期间不得解雇他或向他发出解雇通知,这也包括冠状病毒的病假。如果雇主在员工在病假期间解雇他或不向其支付工资和应付款,雇主必须赔偿;另一方面,如果员工休完90天的病假后仍不能上班,那么雇主可以对他实行解雇。O如果我感染了冠状病毒,我所在的阿联酋公司能... ...
Once you pass six months of employment, you’ll be entitled to two days of paid leave for each month of your first year which comes in at 24 days. You might also like:UAE public holidays in 2023 The Regulation of Labour Relations Law and its implementing regulations stipulated the procedure...
Recently, the UAE government has made significant amendments to the Labour Law to enhance maternity leave provisions and provide greater support for expecting mothers. These amendments include: In 2019, the overall duration of maternity leave has been extended from 45 days to up to 90 days, takin...
UAE: The new UAE Labour Law: what has changed and how is the law being applied in practice? What does the nationalisation of the workforce mean for businesses? Redundancy, anti-discrimination, arbitrary dismissal. What is the same and what has changed?
The reduction in working hours comes as part of the implementation of UAE Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 on the Regulation of Labour Relations and its amendments Elon Musk’s growing family: A comprehensive guide to the tech mogul’s 13 children ...