#define U16_MAX ((u16)65535u)#define U32_MAX ((u32)4294967295uL)/* Private functions ---*...
Rather than incurring a division or requesting too many random bytes for the given range, use the prandom_u32_max() function, which only takes the minimum required bytes from the RNG and avoids divisions. This was done mechanically with this coccinelle script: @basic@ expression E; type T;...
函数名称:prandom_u32_max - returns a pseudo-random number in interval [0, ep_ro)*@ep_ro: right open interval endpoint* Returns a pseudo-random number that is in interval [0, ep_ro). Note* that the result depends on PRNG being well distributed in [0, ~0U] 函数原型:static inline ...
(foo.fetch_max(42, Ordering::SeqCst), 23); assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 42); 如果要一步獲取最大值,可以使用以下方法: use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering}; let foo = AtomicU32::new(23); let bar = 42; let max_foo = foo.fetch_max(bar, Ordering::SeqCst)...
Problem Looking through recent updates to the monorepo, this caught my eye: anza-xyz/agave#885 The simulation utility sets u32::MAX, which will fail once that feature is enabled. Solution Set MAX_C...
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