We performed RNA-seq analysis using shoot apices instead of whole seedlings and found that the atu2af65a mutants had more differentially expressed genes than the atu2af65b mutants when they were compared to wild type. The only flowering time gene that was significantly up- or down-regulated ...
Jmjd6 Catalyses Lysyl-Hydroxylation of U2AF65, a Protein Associated with RNA Splicing 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 50 摘要: The finding that the metazoan hypoxic response is regulated by oxygen-dependent posttranslational hydroxylations, which regulate the activity and lifetime of hypoxia-inducible ...
U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF), comprised of a large and a small subunit, is a non-snRNP protein required for the binding of U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA branch site. This gene encodes the U2AF large subunit which contains a sequence-specific RNA-binding region with 3 RNA recognition motifs and...
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经感观品质鉴定标准二粒荚荚长6.0 厘米,荚宽 1.4 厘米,每500克标准荚数180个,口感香甜柔糯(A 级)。 长得齐齐整整的(都市所 供图)。 2019~2020年参加湖北省鲜食春大豆品种区域试验,两年区试平均亩产876.66公斤,比对照沪鲜6号增产8.39%。 真的不用...
U2 单词和课文中文 U2 单词和课文中文 一、单词
Jmjd6 Catalyses Lysyl-Hydroxylation of U2AF65, a Protein Associated with RNA SplicingCelia WebbyA WolfNatalia GromakAngelika Boettger
We reveal that the splicing factor U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor 65-kilodalton subunit (U2AF65) undergoes posttranslational lysyl-5-hydroxylation catalyzed by the Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase Jumonji domain-6 protein (Jmjd6). Jmjd6 is a nuclear protein that...