翻译:U-Boot programming: A tutorial Part III 英文原文:http://xillybus.com/tutorials/uboot-hacking-howto-3 U-Boot的启动 尽管在大多数情况下是不必要的,但有时需要修改U-Boot自身的启动过程,特别是在早期阶段初始化自定义硬件。 本节介绍U-Boot这一部分的基础知识。 U-Boot是处理器上首先运行的东西之一...
board_init_r() (also possibly defined in arch/arm/lib/board.c): Runs the initialization as a “normal” program running from RAM. This function never returns. Rather, board_init_r() loops on main_loop() (defined in common/main.c) forever. This is essentially the autoboot or execution ...
U-Boot在多个平台上都支持GPIO,但通常不启用。 我们将简要介绍为了一个新平台而启用此功能的过程。 查看common/目录,很容易发现cmd_gpio.c文件。 它包含处理U-Boot shell中“gpio”命令的代码。 最后几行如下: U_BOOT_CMD(gpio, 3, 0, do_gpio, "input/set/clear/toggle gpio pins", "<input|set|clear...
COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_GPIO) += cmd_gpio.o Without getting into the tangled parts of the build system, this line means that if CONFIG_CMD_GPIO is defined in the Config chain, cmd_gpio.c will be compiled into cmd_gpio.o, and linked into the global project. The U_BOOT_CMD() macro make...
U-BOOT The Board Game digital companion app is a free tool designed for use with U-BOOT The Board Game. Requires physical components to play. U-BOOT: The Boar…
Tutorial: Introduction to the Embedded Boot Loader U-boot - Behan Webster, Converse in Code youtube.com/watch?v=INWghYZH3hI&t=6s Tutorial: Introduction to the Embedded Boot Loader U-boot - Behan Webster, Converse in Code Labels: Aironet Access Points 5 Helpful Reply All...
Tutorial: Introduction to the Embedded Boot Loader U-boot - Behan Webster, Converse in Code youtube.com/watch?v=INWghYZH3hI&t=6s Tutorial: Introduction to the Embedded Boot Loader U-boot - Behan Webster, Converse in Code Labels: Aironet Access Points 5 Helpful Reply All...
这一期我们来分析Ralink_SDK3.6中U-Boot的编译原理,因为这是一个比较关键的节点,我准备换一种风格,争取把每一个细节都讲到。看这期之前,建议你了解一下Makefile的语法,在SDK的DateSheet目录下有一个 Makefile_Tutorial.pdf 的文件可以参考。 U-Boot是Universal Bootloader的缩写,它的目的就是实现一个框架,可以...
This blog post is not intended to be a “101” ARM firmware reverse-engineering tutorial or a guide to attacking a specific IoT device. The goal is to share our experience and, why not, perhaps save you some precious hours and headaches. ...
It has been taking me 11 minutes straight even after looking at the tutorial for solving it, everything but this is good but the tutorial isn’t specific at all with the time reading or anything, like you could atleast tell the players what the message says instead decoding something somebo...