I try to make new uboot for my custom board base on imx8mm evk. But results was nothing change time stamp on deploy/images/imx8mmevk. Why dts setting
Can you provide a correct way to create an u-boot image for 8MPLUSLPD4-EVK(for UUU tool) ? 解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。 ラベル: i.MX 8M | i.MX 8M Mini | i.MX 8M Nano Linux タグ: i.MX 8M Plus | u-boot u-boot 0 件の賞賛 返信 ...
from PSDKLA top directory, use below commands to build uboot make u-boot_clea make u-boot Then below files to SD Card u-boot_build\a53\tispl.bin_hs to BOOT\tispl.bin u-boot_build\a53\u-boot.img_HS to BOOT\u-boot.img u-boot_build\r5f\tiboot3...
i’m scavenging the Nvidia form on how to boot from USB for 2 weeks. As far i can understand so far i have to go out of my comfort-zone and take a deep, real deep dive in to the assembly of the Jetson TX2. It feels like i can’t see the forest trough the trees anymore. H...
Run the following commands (please, be aware you are downloading uBoot for your module – you may want to use a different branch e.g. instead of “uboot_initial_changes” use u-boot-2gb or u-boot-512mb): # cd /home/fedevel/ltib/rpm/BUILD/ ...
./build_u-boot.sh Run uBoot on an empty board(a fresh board just coming from production) Register on the NXP website, login, downloadMfgtools-Rel-4.1.0_130816_MX6Q_UPDATERand unpack it. We need to do some changes in the config files. Follow these steps: ...
制成功后,在out/hi3798mv100可以找到编译好的fastboot-burn.bin、bootargs.bin、hi_kernel.bin,分别是uboot引导文件、uboot引导参数配置和linux内核。 使用HiTool烧录到eMMC TTL连接图见[hi3798mv100-ec6109.jpg],具体烧录方案可以搜索hitool教程。 hitool烧录界面配置建[hit00l-burn.png] eMMC分区为uboot 1M、boo...
I tried to install armbian's image based on rk3328, which is officially supported. Some of them can boot up but neither network nor Bluetooth works properly. Therefore, I want to compile my own version to support these peripherals. My question is whether I...
Note: With newer versions of u-boot distro boot, for SDMMC boot an .itb file is not loaded to the sdmmc. The relevant files are loaded to the FAT partition, and loaded directly. For more information, see theC. Build SD Card Imagesection of theBuilding Bootloader for Cyclone®V and ...
cd <PATH_TO_UBOOT_DIR> git am 0001-Change-the-offsets-for-eMMC-8MB-boot0-partition-to-4.patch make mrproper Rebuild the u-boot and SPL # use the top level makefile to build u-boot and SPL cd <PATH_TO_SDK> make u-boot-a53_clean -sj ...