1.纯初始化代码:此代码始终在U-Boot自身启动期间运行。 此阶段的更多信息可参看本教程第三部分。 2.“驱动程序”:实现一组功能的代码,可以访问某个硬件。 其中很多都可以在drivers/,fs/和其他目录中找到 3.命令:通常根据对驱动程序API的调用,向U-Boot shell添加命令并实现其功能。 这些命令在common / cmd _ ...
示例:添加GPIO支持 U-Boot在多个平台上都支持GPIO,但通常不启用。 我们将简要介绍为了一个新平台而启用此功能的过程。 查看common/目录,很容易发现cmd_gpio.c文件。 它包含处理U-Boot shell中“gpio”命令的代码。 最后几行如下: U_BOOT_CMD(gpio, 3, 0, do_gpio, "input/set/clear/toggle gpio pins", ...
U-Boot supports GPIO on several platforms, but is often not enabled. We’ll briefly walk through the process of enabling this functionality, possibly for a new platform. Looking in the common/ directory, it’s quite easy to spot the cmd_gpio.c file. It contains code handling the "gpio" ...
tutorial u-boot-2023.04 Licenses api arch board boot cmd common configs disk doc drivers dts env examples fs include lib net post scripts test tools .checkpatch.conf .gitignore .mailmap Kbuild Kconfig MAINTAINERS Makefile README config.mk ...
I've been compiling a uboot with secure boot support & I've been somewhat succesful in that with my device I can see the hab logs with "hab_status". I've also generated the signature keys (mostly following this: https://boundarydevices.com/high-assurance-boot-hab-i-mx8m-e...
I executed the tutorial Building Bootloader for cyclone V and Arria 10 https://www.rocketboards.org/foswiki/Documentation/BuildingBootloaderCycloneVAndArria10 on the evaluation board successful Now, I need to modified the u-boot for my customer board. My...
Configure and build U-Boot: cd $TOP_FOLDER/cv_soc_devkit_ghrd/software/bootloader/u-boot-socfpga export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- make socfpga_cyclone5_qspi_defconfig make -j 48 Do you have a tutorial on how to edit/copy/customize a _defconfig file? What part of this sequ...
Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. If you are unfamiliar with shell scripting, reviewing the documentation for your shell (e.g. man bash) or reading an online tutorial (e.g. search for "bash tutorial") will help you get the most out of Drush. ...
对于单片机程序来说,每个功能程序,都必须要有一个配套的工程(Project),即使是点亮 LED 这样简单的功能程序也不例外,因此我们首先要新建一个工程,打开我们的 Keil 软件后,点击:Project-->New uVision Project...然后会出现一个新建工程的界面,如图2-8所示。
Boot is a 21 byte program that can be used in a batch file to create a new CONFIG.SYS and then reboot the computer. Freeware. BOOTDMOD (15 KB) added 11/16/1998 (Disk) Version 1.1 by Rob HamerlingBOOTDMOD is a program that allows you to display and optionally modify a disk's ...