I would like to make a typical Road Structure for Divided planer with medium in SAC. I got some pkt files (Attached) and I try to modified based on my road structure, unfortunately I cannot complete my road structure. if anyone is helping, it will be highly appreciated. The original Stru...
If it is not present, a visual index feature must be located within the crosshatched area. 21. Terminal numbers are shown for reference only. 22. The lead width as measured 0.36mm (0.014 inch) or greater above the seating plane, shall not exceed a maximum value of 0.61mm (0.024 inch)...
studied the static and fatigue integrity of cross-section blades under DLR for up to 5 million load cycles. During the fatigue test, the blade stress distribution was observed by a thermoelastic stress analysis camera (TSA), and the measured values located the stress concentration that could not...
Figures 13 and 14 show the concentration distribution of the HFC-125 agent in the radical in S4e.5c.tiCoonnscIeInatrnadtioIInI Dinistthreibcuatsioenooff3H.4F5CM-1P2a5, Aregsepnetcutinvdeelyr.DSieffcetrioenntIRI eisletahsee Prardesiscuarleasnnular cross section at the center of the ...