FIELD: transport.;SUBSTANCE: invention relates to road construction, particularly to designing and constructing the motor rods, primarily to selection of the road cross-section on rises and slopes. The motor road cross-section on rise and slopes is composed of, at least two roadway driving lanes...
In the following section, we describe the existing tools and datasets that focus on network analysis of road networks followed by our methodology where, we offer a description of the protocol to effectively address the two problems mentioned earlier (topology and file format). Moreover, we offer ...
with the optimal oval cross-section shape, while reducing the costs for the rock development; provision of tunneling in various geological conditions at the large influx of water, creating the conditions for the maximum mechanization and automation of all production processes.;2 cl, 6 dwg ...
We’re upgrading our Section View command to give you control over the cut distance – rather than cutting through the entire part, you’ll have the option to input a distance or drag a slider in order to define the desired extent of the cross-section and reduce the appearance of unwanted...
in which base in cross section is arranged in the form of trapezoid, lower side of which is equal to width of traffic surface, and upper side is narrower than traffic surface by 20-25 cm, with arrangement of support layer of triangular shape with top located near trapezoid base.;EFFECT: ...
Proposed method comprises placing device increasing friction factor, for example, anti-spin devices including L-like cross-section metal bracket bent along tire circle arc. One end of said bracket is furnished with elements to fasten it to wheel disk, for example, hole to mount bracket on bolt...
SUBSTANCE: top dressing of road includes plates 1 placed on base 2, and cover 3. Plates 1 are provided with openings 4 being variable along height of cross-section. Each opening is filled with material of base 2 in its lower part. The part height equals 1/4 to 3/4 of plate thickness...
Lower and upper parts comprise grooves of arbitrary cross section in both ends thereof so that kerb height may be increased without road border damage.;EFFECT: reduced labor intensity, decreased material consumption.;6 dwgKALMYKOV F.I.
Length of longitudinal slots on ring edges is limited by shaped projections and the cross section of rings is rectangular or oval, or wedge-shaped or rhombus-shaped. Shaped projections have holes or additional hollows at their opposite sides for the passage of rods. Number of shaped projections ...
FIELD: construction.;SUBSTANCE: road structure including coat, foundation, draining layer, earth bed, lean-to cross catching drain arranged in top of concave vertical curve installed on project line of earth bed, comprising perforated drain pipe with extensions to slopes of earth bed and filtering ...