使用全局window上自定义的变更进,TypeScript 会报属性不存在, console.log(window.foo)// ❌ Property ‘foo’ does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'.ts(2339) 需要将自定义变量扩展到全局window上,可通过在项目中添加类型文件或正常的.ts文件,只要在tsconfig.json配置范围内能找到即可。 types...
一、报错提示:Property 'xxx' does not exist on type 'never'. 开发过程中出现这个错误是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时在该对象没有定义相应属性,这个错误不致命,遇到该错误有以下几种解决办法。 1、将对象设置成 any this.targetArray =this.options.find((item:any)=>{returnitem.articleId ==val; }); ...
主要实现思路就是将state.staplantypesArr赋值给重新定义的一个any类型的变量,然后再去获取数组元素调用属性赋值,以上就是TypeScript提示Property ‘xxx’ does not exist on type ‘never’问题解决方案,如果你有更好的解决方案,记得评论哦!
ts版本4.1.6 TS2339: Property 'abc' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'. ./typings/types.d.tstsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { "paths": { "*":["./typings/*"] }, } .eslintrc.js module.exports = { root: true, env: { node: true }, globals: { jsBridge...
[ts] Property 'setData' does not exist on type '{ hideDialog(): void; showDialog(): void; _cancelEvent(): void; _confirmEvent(): void; }' 其实真正运行(runtime)中,this里是有setData属性的。而这里报错没有我猜测是因为ts运用的词法作用域来检测methods这个对象里没有setData属性,所以导致错误。
Vue+TS/Typescript:Property does not exist on type ‘(() => any) | ComputedOptions<any>‘,(目录)问题描述源代码如下interfaceIMenuButton{top:number//上边界坐标,单位:pxright:number//右边界坐标,单位:pxbottom:number//下边界坐标,单位:pxleft:number//
this.houverIndex = i // vscode 的提示:Property 'test' does not exist no type 'Vue'. this.ab() // 如果是下面这种语法: // vscode 并不会报错 (this as any).houverIndex = i (this as any).test() this.$emit('mouseover', i) }, triggerToMouseout(i: number): void { (this as an...
this.$refs.chlid.fn() 发现vscode报错Property 'chlidMethod' does not exist on type 'Vue的情况,但是实际上运行效果完全没问题。 主要原因是 vscode会根据声明文件自动进行类型推断的,这里没法知道fn的类型 因此,如下即可 (this.$refs.chlidasany).fn()...
interfaceProps{label:string,}exportdefaultVue.extend({props:{value:{type:Object,required:true,}asProps,},computed:{label:{get(){// Property 'value' does not exist on type '{ get(): string; set(val: string): void; }'.returnthis.value.label;},set(val:string){this.$emit('update:label...
Error: Property '$const' does not exist on type 'void' setup doesn't have this, use provides instead. I'm having the same issue and I don't understand what "provides" refers to here, the link is broken, could you elaborate ? KaelWD commented Dec 5, 2022 @Inspirateur I've updat...