直接在报错的前一行添加 //@ts-ignore
标红解除。 但应该有优雅的解决办法。 参考文章:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18083389/ignore-typescript-errors-property-does-not-exist-on-value-of-type
let foo = 42; // [js] Property 'toUpperCase' does not exist on type 'number'. let upperFoo = foo.toUpperCase(); 这里有一个新的--checkJs标志,它默认支持所有.js文件的类型检查。另外,三个以注释形式出现的新指令允许对应该检查哪些 JS 代码片段进行更细粒度的控制: 使用// @ ts-check注释对单个...
Property 'XXX' does not exist on type 'CombinedVueInstance<Vue, ...>' みたいなエラーに遭遇します。 これはわりと有名な問題で検索すると色々な情報がひっかかるんですが、「結局どうすればええんや?」というところがわかりにくかったので整理してみます。 調査自体は趣味の範疇ですが...
(v:string|number){return1}fn2(v:string|number){return1}staticcreate():A1{// TS2339: Property '__proto__' does not exist on type 'typeof A1'.letsuperStatic=this.__proto__;console.dir(superStatic);console.dir(superStatic.create);returnsuperStatic.create.call(this)}}console.log(A1....
The "Property does not exist on type Request" error occurs when we access a property that doesn't exist in the Request interface.
TS compile error: Property 'zoom' does not exist on type 'CSSStyleDeclaration' It works as expected by using // @ts-ignore before the line. Contributor MartinJohns commented May 26, 2022 It's not added because it's not standard. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/zoom...
toUppercase(); // ~~~ // error: Property 'toUppercase' does not exist on type 'string'. // Did you mean 'toUpperCase'? } 这些断言签名与预期类型签名非常相似: function isString(val: any): val is string { return typeof val === "string"; } function yell(str: any) { if (isStr...
}returnnames.map(name => {url.searchParams.set("name", name)// ~~~// error!// Property 'searchParams' does not exist on type 'string | URL'.returnurl.toString(); }); } Here, TypeScript decided that it wasn’t "safe" to assume thaturlwasactuallyaURLobject in our callback functi...
我有一个使用MetaMask钱包扩展的dapp,所以我经常使用window.ethereum,并且经常使用Property 'ethereum' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'.ts(2339)。如何告诉类型记录要么忽略这一点,要么允许不使用ethereum属性而不使用// @ts-ignore ...