The filename GitHub supports should say “.git-blame-ignore-revs” (it currently says refs instead of revs: “.git-blame-ignore-refs”) Daniel Rosenwasser Author March 15, 2023 0 Collapse this comment Copy link Fixed, thank you! Peter D March 11, 2023 0 Collapse this comment Copy lin...
A common confusion is to say that sincestring | numberis a bigger type thanstring, this program should be rejected, since it means a number might appear where a string is expected. This reasoning is incorrect; even though a number can be passed toobj.checkThing, that cannot create the sit...
// prettier-ignore // @ts-expect-error const incompleteThemeColorModes: Theme = { colors: { modes: { papaya: { function sum(nums: number[]): number: Use ReadonlyArray if a function does not write to its parameters. interface Foo { new(): Foo; }: This defines a type of objects th...
.gitignore first commit 2年前 isCollapse 1年前 gegnixn 1年前 env.d.ts first commit 2年前 index.html 完成login登录页面 1年前 package-lock.json 第一步完成 1年前 package.json 设置加载动画 1年前 ...
存放json、模板等文件|--tests # 测试文件目录|--typings # 存放ts声明文件,主要用于补充第三方包没有ts声明的情况|--.eslintignore # eslint忽略规则配置|--.eslintrc.js # eslint规则配置|--.gitignore # git忽略规则|--package.json #| # 项目说明|--tsconfig.json # typescript配置,...
I've seen ExtendScript just give up when it encounters a // @ts-ignore directive, for example. So, yes, you have helped to answer some of my questions. I'll try Webpack again, but see if I can only have it work on the Panel (JS) side. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report ...
TypeScript does a pretty good job here when it has enough information about the type. The type system closely tries to model the behavior of spreads and overwrites new properties, tries to ignore methods, etc. But unfortunately up until now it wouldn't work with generics at all. ...
当然为了防止不需要被校验的文件出现校验信息,可以通过.eslintignore文件进行配置(例如以下都是一些不需要格式校验的配置文件): # gulp gulpfile.js # eslint .eslintrc.js # commitizen commitlint.config.js # jest jest.config.js # build dist 此时可以发现之前执行lint命令的错误通过插件的形式可实时在 VS ...
/* istanbul ignore if */ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && config.performance && mark) { mark('compile') } // 如果是模板字符串,需要编译器去编译 也就是进入compileToFunctions这个函数 // 可以通过这个函数查看编译器的工作机制,也就是把template转换为render:todo ...
当然为了防止不需要被校验的文件出现校验信息,可以通过.eslintignore文件进行配置(例如以下都是一些不需要格式校验的配置文件): 代码语言:javascript 复制 # gulp gulpfile.js # eslint.eslintrc.js # commitizen commitlint.config.js # jest jest.config.js ...