根据以下链接,tsc -init生成tsconfig.json,修改其中的target、lib,结果无效。 Cannot find name ‘XX‘. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing thelibcompiler 【已解决】Cannot find name ‘Set‘. Do you need to change your target library? Cannot find name ‘Map‘. Do you need ...
Cannot find name ‘console‘. Do you need to change your target library?ging the ‘lib‘ compiler option 解决办法: 需要安装TypeScript助手的运行时库,包含所有TypeScript辅助函数 npm install -D tslib @types/node 解释: 以下是一个知乎大佬的讲解: console不属于EcmaScript标准。DOM里面的console是浏览器...
这种降单个包的方式比较保险,对于老项目,安装的很多包版本都比较旧,如果升级框架或者ts版本,可能出现某些包不兼容的情况。 在老项目里安装新包或提升包版本,对于Cannot find name 之类的ts类型报错,想都不用想是版本兼容问题。甚至可以不用上网查,直接尝试安装低版本的包没准问题就好了。
Typescript cannot find name even though it is referenced 1 Typescript error "Cannot find name" 4 Typings angular cannot find name error Know someone who can answer? Share a link to thisquestionviaemail,Twitter, orFacebook. Sign up using Google ...
启动后报错 ERROR in [at-loader] node_modules/dva/index.d.ts:71:12 Cannot find namespace 'HistoryModule'. 我查看了node_modules/dva/index.d.ts,发现这个文件中直接引用了HistoryModule, 并没有import,是不是这样导致的?Activity qzhong1028 commented on Feb 6, 2017 qzhong1028 on Feb 6, 2017...
Cannot find name 'before'.ts(2304) I have @types/jest already installed. Update: looks like jest doesn't have before - might have been tests from a different testing framework, so in this case, Typescript was correctly identifying a non-existant function. I'll leave this here in case ...
typescript: cannot find name 'unknown'. 原因: typescript版本引起 第三方依赖引起 解决方法: 根据package.json中版本,升级typescript版本 指定安装依赖版本,比如:直接指定 "ng2-pdf-viewer": "5.2.4", 升级@types文件或者指定安装对应ts版本的types,比如安装ts6的lodash types npm i -D @types/lodash...
Hi! First, I want to thank you for this SDK, it will be very useful for us! I have some errors when building the javascript bundle for my application (React/Typescript/Webpack). It seems to work anyway (or maybe I have not used it enough...
typeHandler=()=>Promise<true>typeHandlers=Record<string,Handler>consthandlers:Handlers={foo:()=>true} The first line errors: TS2583:Cannotfind namePromise.Doyou need to change your target library?Trychanging the lib compiler option to es2015orlater. ...
Error: src/app/app.component.ts:46:17 - error TS2592: Cannot find name '$'. Do you need to install type definitions for jQuery? Try `npm i --save-dev @types/jquery` and then add 'jquery' to the types field in your tsconfig 问题2. ERRO ReferenceError: $ is not defined 解决办法 ...