3.FacultativeObligatoryTreaty submit:提交 TypesofReinsurance Reinsuranceagreementsmayalsobecategorized asproportionalorexcess: Proportionalorproratareinsuranceinvolves sharingbothpremiumsandlossesinthesame predeterminedpercentage. Excessreinsuranceisnon-proportional.The reinsuredcompanyretainslossesuptoacertain amount(itsreten...
中财讲义再保险方式TypesofReinsurance TypesofReinsurance Therearethreegeneraltypesofreinsuranceagreements 1.Facultative-Individualrisksaresubmittedtoareinsurerforconsideration.Coveragetermsandconditionsarenegotiated.Thereinsurermayrejecttherisk.2.Treaty-Coversabookofbusiness.Allrisksfallingwithinthescopeoftheagreementmustbe...
3.FacultativeObligatoryTreaty submit:提交 TypesofReinsurance Reinsuranceagreementsmayalsobecategorized asproportionalorexcess: Proportionalorproratareinsuranceinvolves sharingbothpremiumsandlossesinthesame predeterminedpercentage. Excessreinsuranceisnon-proportional.The ...
Facultative Reinsurance:Facultative reinsurance is a transaction-by-transaction agreement that allows the insurer to transfer a specific policy or risk to the reinsurer. This type of reinsurance is commonly used for individual, high-value policies or those outside the scope of treaty reinsurance. Tre...
Contract theory can be defined as a branch of economics that examines the ways in which agreements, known as contracts, are designed and structured. It seeks to understand the optimal mechanisms for creating agreements that align the goals and incentives of multiple parties involved. ...
Two Main Types of Pitchbooks There are generally two main types of pitchbooks: Sell-Side Pitchbooks:These pitchbooks are prepared by investment bankers to promote a company or asset that is being sold. The goal is to highlight the company’s strengths, growth potential, and financial perf...
Types of Reinsurance Contracts There are two types of reinsurance contracts used for reinsurance ceding: facultative reinsurance and the treaty reinsurance contract. Facultative Reinsurance In a facultative reinsurance contract, each type of risk that may be passed to the reinsurer in exchange for a pr...
Both facultative and treaty reinsurance are broken down into two different policy structures. These categories are proportional and non-proportional. Under proportional reinsurance, both the primary insurer and the reinsurer agree to share a proportional share of premiums and risks. Non-proportional reins...
Treaty Reinsurance Treaty reinsuranceis effective for a broad set of parameters on a per-risk or contract basis. In other words, the reinsurer accepts the risks of a preset class of policies over a period of time. The reinsurer covers all or a portion of the risks that a ceding insurance...