This article considers the optimal reinsurance-portfolio problem that the insurer invests in two related risky assets described by different types: constant elasticity of variance model and jump-diffusion process model, besides a risk-free asset. There is a correlation between the diffusion processes ...
List any advantages or disadvantages of: The security of the bond-that is, whether the bond has collateral. Can you compare and contrast the careers of a P&C actuary from analyst to retirement in an insurance company versus a rei...
Please list, and explain, the advantages and disadvantages that accrue to an insurer, when it decides to purchase reinsurance List three methods, used for determining case reserves, and explain how th Discuss the nature of the numerators and ...
The premium acquisition stage takes in two inputs, operational expenses and insurance expenses, to yield the intermediate measures, direct written premiums and reinsurance Conclusions The current study re-examines the issue of deriving frontier projections and divisional efficiency scores by using dual ...
In Table 3, the overall efficiency of DMU3 will be improved to unity if (1) the second input Insurance expenses (X2) is increased by 18490.25 (1.57%), (2) the first intermediate Direct written premiums (Z1) is increased by 2992819 (504.87%), (3) the second intermediate Reinsurance ...
The Company is engaged in the commercial insurance and reinsurance business in the Kingdom, including general insurance, medical insurance, protection insurance and engineering insurance. 5.Riyad Company for Insurance Agency: Riyad Company for Insurance Agency is a limited liability company wholly owned ...
According to the announcement, there are a number of insurance institutions among the top ten holders of the two CSIC A50 ETFs, including Pacific Life Insurance, Guohua Life Insurance, China Life Reinsurance, Ping An Life Insurance, Ping An Property Insurance, Ping An Health Insurance, etc., wi...
The reinsurance company Swiss Re estimated that rainfall induced landslides associated with the 1997-1998 El Nino event triggered landslides along the west coast of North, Central and South America that resulted in over $5 billion in losses. Finally, landslides triggered by Hurricane Mitch in 1998 ...