Crypto-jacking is a type of malware that uses the resources of the infected IT systems to “mine” for cryptocurrencies. This steals the attacked system's computing resources by running at a high load to generate income for the remote attackers. They’ll then make money from the sale of the...
One of the most well-known terms in the world of cybersecurity, “hacking”, refers to the intrusive activities linked to exploiting a computer system or a private network without authorised access. The concept of hacking is commonly characterised by a “hacker”, an individual skilled in ...
Black-hat hackers often operate in the underground of the internet, sometimes selling stolen data or hacking tools to other criminals. Their activities are highly unethical and illegal, often leading to serious legal consequences if they are caught. White-hat hackers, on the other hand, use ...
Hackers can be classified into different categories such as white hat, black hat, and grey hat, based on their intent of hacking a system. These different terms come from old Spaghetti Westerns, where the bad guy wears a black cowboy hat and the good guy wears a white hat. White Hat Ha...
activity that takes place in the digital space, where computers or networks are used as tools, targets, or both. These crimes can range from hacking into someone’s personal accounts to stealing financial information, distributing malware or even large-scale data breaches affecting millions of ...
to use them then hack it. This type of hackers usually performs DoSing (Denial of Services) and DDoSing (Distributed Denial of Services). They often copy others code to make the virus and then break into others system. Eventually, every Hacker is a Script Kiddie initial stage of hacking. ...
Hacktivists tend to target people or organizations they feel represent beliefs or practices that violate the principles held dear by the hacktivist organization. Regardless of the benevolent nature of some hacktivist actions, hacking into an organization’s system is still a crime. ...
A bunch of people who love infosec/bypassing limitations/etc, but also love damaging their liver a bit too much perhaps. Many conferences have aspects of this. One interesting thing about enthusiast party hacker cons is that they sometimes draw people that or not so much into ...
Discover the types of cyber attacks in cyber security. Learn about common cyber threats, their impact, and how to protect against cybersecurity attacks.
Hacking is the act of exploiting system vulnerabilities and compromising the security of digital devices and networks to gain unauthorized access to data.