The Winnti Group is a cyber-espionage outfit that is known to carry out such types of hacks --known as supply-chain attacks. A ProtectWise 401TRG2018 reportlists several past incidents, along with their last year's predisposition for gathering code signing certificates from hacked software compani...
Discuss two types of malware and clarify how they cause damages to systems. 1. What is the main difference between a virus and a Trojan? 2. A virus or malware can impact which of the three tenets of information systems security (confidentialit...
libprocesshider: hide a process under Linux using the ld preloader Linux Kernel Hacking: tasklist /svc && ps -aux:
These stories show that it’s almost impossible to protect yourself from targeted hacking. So if you have something that you want to hide, don’t let it go online. Fortunately, the majority of people are not interested for the qualified culprits. You and I need protection from those cyberc...
Part 2: Why Need to Flatten a PDF?By flattening a PDF, what you're doing is rendering all these non-static elements into the main PDF stream according to their visibility properties and then removing them altogether. There are several reasons why you may want to do this:...
PatrickEngebretson, inThe Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing, 2011 The Three-Way Handshake When two machines on any given network want to communicate using TCP, they do so by completing thethree-way handshake. This process is very similar to a phone conversation (at least before everyone ...
When your plan renews, you’ll be charged upwards of 50+% more for the same plan. LifeLock Pros LifeLock Cons All-in-one protection against credit fraud, identity theft, and hacking (with Norton 360 add-on). Standard plans offer just one-bureau credit monitor...
I was pleased that Will referenced one of my all time favorite films, the original “The Day The Earth Stood Still”. The movie was based on a short story, “Farewell To The Master” but did not emphasize what I felt to be the main lesson of the story. At the very end Klatuu tel...
Types of chargebacks While the mechanism behind every chargeback is the same, the reasons why they happen vary. Understanding these distinctions is a vital step in taking the right measures to prevent them and responding effectively when they do happen. Here are the main categories of chargebacks...
I've never used Emacs, mostly because I never felt it would provide anything I couldn't do with Vim with a smaller footprint. Perhaps I'll give it a try someday but, until then, Vim continues to be the main driver for all my text editing requirements. ...