Wind tunnel investigation of the interaction and breakdown characteristics of slender wing vortices at subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speeds The vortex dominated aerodynamic characteristics of a generic 65 degree cropped delta wing model were studied in a wind tunnel at subsonic through superson......
blow down wind tunnelcavity flame holderfree jet testscramjet engineshock tunnelsupersonic combustionThe scramjet, one of the most promising candidates for future transport systems, has many advantages such as a simple configuration and a high specific impulse. However, various characteristics of ...
A second option to meet the high Reynolds number testing requirements is examined in the theory and design of a conventional blowdown tunnel. The costs of the two types of facilities are compared for Navy weapons and flight vehicles at subsonic, transonic and low supersonic speeds.Enkenhus,Kurt...
Wind tunnel investigation of the interaction and breakdown characteristics of slender wing vortices at subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speeds The vortex dominated aerodynamic characteristics of a generic 65 degree cropped delta wing model were studied in a wind tunnel at subsonic through superson......