The NASA-Ames Laminar Flow Supersonic Wind Tunnel (LFSWT) will operate at potential cruise Mach numbers and unit Reynolds numbers (Re) of the High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT), with a quiet (low-disturbance) test core. The aerodynamic features of the LFSWT design are based on an eighth-...
直连式超声速燃烧实验台(Direct-ConnectSupersonicCombustionTestFacility)于1969年开始服役,用于超燃冲压发动机燃烧室地面实验。采用烧氢补氧的方式提供燃烧室入口来流,模拟状态对应的自由飞行状态为马赫数4~7.5。燃烧室后能够容纳尾喷管,可以对“燃烧室+喷管”进行整体实验。实验台的整体布局如图9。 图9DCSCTF系统图 1...
装有“安静长钉”并进行低声爆修型的超声速公务机与协和和未经修型的同尺寸飞机的声爆波形对比图(图片来源:An Overview of the Gulfstream Supersonic Technology Supersonic Technology Program) 常规而言,飞行器在超声速飞行时产生的激波大体上由一前一后两道强烈的激波组成,分别来自空气被机身冲击和离开机身时引发...
[6]Rogers R, Capriotti D, Guy R. Experimental supersonic combustion research at NASA Langley[C]//20th AIAA advanced measurement and ground testing technology conference. 1998: 2506. [7]GUY R, MACKLEY E. Initial wind tunnel tests at Mach 4 and 7 of a hydrogen-burning, airframe-integrated ...
s airframesupportingits own weight. Other equipment needed to test the vehicle’s noise production, such as ashock-sensing probeandground recorders, are being prepared. The aircraft also completedair data probe and boom testingin the agency’s 8’ x 6’ Supersonic Wind Tun...
In this 1957 photo, engineers at the Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory (now NASA's Glenn Research Center) check a model of a supersonic aircraft before a test run in the 10 ft. x 10 ft. Supersonic Wind Tunnel test section. Image Credit: NASA>...
That same year, Mary Jackson joined her team, working on the supersonic pressure tunnel project that tested data from wind tunnel and flight experiments. Katherine Johnson—who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015 by President Barack Obama—joined the team at Langley in 1953. A...
(NACA) began efforts to advance the aerospace sciences through a high-speed/high altitude research program aimed at revolutionizing flight To do so, the NACA recognized that it would need a host of new tools, especially wind tunnels, enabling than to collect data on the transonic, supersonic,...
Low-speed wind tunnel tests were conducted to determine the subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of an optimized supersonic (Mach 6) conical-flow waverider designed for a deck-launched intercept mission. These tests are part of the continuing waverider research being conducted by the Naval Postgraduat...
Perseverance deployed a supersonic parachute from its aeroshell about four minutes after entering the Martian atmosphere. The parachute helped slow the rover down during its descent to the surface before it separated from the spacecraft. This image, captured on Feb. 19 by the High Resolution Imagin...