Trawlers, Purse Seiners:A fishing trawler, also known as a dragger, is a commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls. Trawling is a method of fishing that involves actively dragging or pulling a trawl through the water behind one or more trawlers. A purse seine is a large wa...
The short answer is, “Whenever you want.” It’s great on all reel types and perfect for deep-water tactics like jigging and suspension rigs. There are also some recipes out there that are suitable for surface fishing. As long as you don’t mind paying a little more, there’s no rea...
Deep sea fishing is not an easy task as it requires specialized equipments and storage facilities. Also, some of the species are found only in particular areas which are often under the influence of bad weather. Fishermen have to performarduous and dangerous tasksto get the desired type of fis...
TypesofFishingLures 6. FishAnatomy 7. UnderstandingFishSenses 8. WhichRodandReelShouldIBuy?–YourFirstFishingRod&Reel 9. TwoKnotsYouAbsolutelyNeedtoKnow 10. HowtoAssembleaSpinningReelandRod 11. HowtoLoadLineonaSpinningReel 12. HowtoSettheDragonaSpinningReel ...
swims its way into different coastal regions and estuaries with brackish water. Mangrove trees’ presence heavily influences the dwelling places of this fish species, as they commonly reside in them. They are also able to live among reefs and piers, including artificial structures like oil rigs....
They are of different types like- Supply ships which cater to rigs and platforms located offshore. Crane barges, crane ships or floating cranes are vessels with cranes used to lift heavy loads. Pipe-laying ships that lay underwater cables and pipes. Semi-submersible platforms are movable off...
Sometimes, as seen here and in the gaff schooner above, these sailboats are rigged with a topsail, which adds a lot of grunt in light winds. All of this comes at a cost in terms of material costs and weight carried aloft; that’s why gaff rigs are now found on very few modern yacht...
The first scope supports the design, manufacture, sale, rental and maintenance of drilling tools such as drill pipe, heavy weight drill pipe, drill collar, kelly, stabilizers, downhole motors, jars, absorbers, fishing tools, milling tools and valves etc. 2.Ri...
In 1814 the British Navy had 71 brigs of various types carrying 10 to 16 guns. Length 110 ft. Beam 28 ft. Depth 16 ft. Crew 100 to 120 Brighton Hog Boat The Brighton hog boat, or Hoggie was an example of a local variant of the traditional fishing boat design. The Hog boat was ...
What Area to Choose When Fishing a New Lake How to Catch the Carp from Margins of Pools Pre-Bait Fishing Tactics to Trick Huge Carp Fishing for Carp in Mid-depth Water Using Zig Rigs How to locate Shoals of Carp in the Springtime ...