Fishing vessels are mainly classified into two types – trawlers and non-trawling vessels. Trawlers, Purse Seiners:A fishing trawler, also known as a dragger, is a commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls. Trawling is a method of fishing that involves actively dragging or pulli...
This process is performed under the water, in shallow areas or freshwater environments, to remove excessive sediments, widen a channel, and make it navigable. Dredgers have evacuation equipment to remove sediment, etc, from the seafloor. Dredgers offer essential, safe bottom clearance for safer vo...
TypesofFishingLures 6. FishAnatomy 7. UnderstandingFishSenses 8. WhichRodandReelShouldIBuy?–YourFirstFishingRod&Reel 9. TwoKnotsYouAbsolutelyNeedtoKnow 10. HowtoAssembleaSpinningReelandRod 11. HowtoLoadLineonaSpinningReel 12. HowtoSettheDragonaSpinningReel ...