Ketamine combined with exposure therapy has shown promise as a long-lasting approach, while stand-alone benefits are only temporary Ketamine can be a valuable tool for people who have treatment-resistant OCD Ketamine, while having only recently become a subject of research for the treatment of OCD...
One of the newest iterations of addictive agents is the combination of ketamine with cocaine, “the new speedball,” according to the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health; on the street it is known as C.K. or Calvin Klein. Between 2017 and 2020, the national drug survey recorded ...
PCP (also known as angel dust, hog, lovie, love boat): PCP is a powerful anesthetic used in veterinary medicine. Its effects are similar to those of ketamine but often stronger. The anesthetic effects are so strong that you can break your arm but not feel any pain when under its effects...
Terminology of Drug Use, Reactions & Interactions Competence Assessments for Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians Who Can Write Prescriptions? Bacteriostatic Water | Overview, Application & Uses Pharmacy Drug Databases & Web Resources What is Ketamine? - Definition & Side Effects ...
Drug Therapy: Definition & Duration What is Ketamine? - Definition & Side Effects Adverse Event Reporting: Types & Examples Lisinopril: Uses & Dosage What is Buprenorphine? - Dosage, Side Effects & Treatment Generic Drugs: Definition & Advantages Side Effects & Allergic Reactions to Drugs What Is...
Nerve pain: antidepressants, anticonvulsants, capsaicin cream, nonpharmacological treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy Phantom pain: nonopioids, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, ketamine, nonpharmacological treatments such as acupuncture or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) Soft tissue...
Drugs used in rapid sequence intubation (RSI) include potent anesthetic agents (propofol, ketamine, etc.), muscle relaxants or paralytic agents, and pharmacological adjuncts (fentanyl, lidocaine, etc.).Featured Slideshows Type 2 DiabetesLearn the Warning Signs Breast CancerA Visual Guide to Breast...
Signs You Have High-Functioning Anxiety What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression? Should You Try Acupuncture for Anxiety? Ketamine Infusions Show Growing Promise for Treating Anxiety and Depression What Is Generational Trauma? 14 Signs You Could Be Having a Panic Attack...
Preventionis key to avoiding head injury. The use of bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets, and seat belts can decrease the risk of head injury. What happens to the brain after a head injury? While head injuries are one of the most commoncauses of deathand disability in the United States, ma...
Club drugs (such as ketamine, ecstasy, GHB, and flunitrazepam) Opioids (such as heroin, oxycodone, codeine, morphine, and other types of prescription painkillers) Prescription drugs and cold medicines (such as cough syrups with dextromethorphan) ...