Hand injuries generally require medical attention. They can be caused by lacerations and cuts, fractures, dislocations, amputations, infections, burns, and high pressure injuries.
Purple Glove or Purple Hand Syndrome, a severe soft-tissue injury, occurred after IV use of phenytoin with or without extravasation of the solution and fatal cardiac arrhythmia 8, 10, 12, 20. More than 40 cases have been reported, involving several amputations 13, 30. The question then ...
Types of Disasters Paul N. Severin and Phillip A. Jacobson 5 5.1 Unique Vulnerabilities of Children Although pediatric patients are viewed as a unique population, they are the popula- tion: it has been estimated that more than 25% of the U.S. population fits within the ...
while the legs are much less. With growth, the head decreases in size to adult parameters by adolescence. The larger body surface area-to-mass ratio increases the risk of hypothermia. The decreased ability to shiver is another disadvantage to the pediatric patient as...
severed nerves and tendons, oramputations. In the appropriatecontext, severed digits and limbs may be replanted with microsurgical connections of vessels and nerves. Rehabilitation of the hand is a critical aspect of surgical care, since loss of strength and motion may occur following injury and re...
The below-elbow prosthesis consists of a single plastic shell and a metalwristjoint to which is attached a terminal device, either a hook or a hand. The person wears a shoulder harness made of webbing, from which a steel cable extends to the terminal device. When the person shrugs the sho...
For a standard, hand-scored Four Square Step Test [8], the stopwatch starts when the first foot touches the floor in square 2. Once the command has been given, the operator has a short time to anticipate placement of the starting foot into square 2 which represents a more reliable visual...
Today, lower limb amputations can be treated by socket prostheses, which represent the standard of care for amputees but often are associated with significant socket–interface problems, or by osseointegrated prostheses, which involves direct attachment of the artificial limb to the skeletal residuum. ...
New and improved technologies, increasing organ failure owing to aging and age-related disorders, increasing accidents and injuries leading to amputations, and rise in number of people awaiting organ transplants are the major drivers slated to propel the growth of this market. However, a few pivota...
A broad spectrum of injury sites and mechanisms are seen in mountain biking, climbing or airborne sports. Mountain biking related injuries commonly involve the upper extremity, with fractures of the clavicle being the most common injury, followed by fractures of the hand and wrist. Scaphoid fracture...