The majority of major amputations were performed in states in the southern United States (46.4%), and more BKA procedures were performed in urban and teaching hospitals (P<0.0001). Using the NIS database, we found important differences between patients whoreceive a BKA versus an AKA. These ...
Summer alpine sports, including mountain biking, hiking and airborne pursuits, have experienced a recent surge in popularity. Accordingly, trauma associated with these activities has increased. There is a scarcity of literature exploring clinical aspects
More than 40 cases have been reported, involving several amputations 13, 30. The question then arises: is the small risk of cognitive sequelae in NCSE worth the small risk of IV-AED morbidity? Convulsive status epilepticus has been treated with vigorous use of IV-AEDs, with a resulting ...
Arterial insufficiency and limb amputations Involvement of peripheral nerves Ulcers of the skin Carpal tunnel syndrome The diabetic foot is a common complication of diabetes being harshly treated. The decrease in blood supply and nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) of the lower limbs, decrease the sensi...
Under Medicare in the United States, one stroke event costs $22,657 initially and up to $2488 per month thereafter for up to a year[10]. A projected 439 million individuals will suffer from diabetes by 2030 and with it carry dramatically higher risks for limb amputations, vision loss, ...
(artificial parts), particularly for amputations in the lower extremity, have reduced the handicap for the amputee. The congenital amputee seldom requires any corrective surgery but is helped by prosthetic replacement. There is no definitely known causative factor for congenital amputation, but it ...
The changes in the support limb indicate how many times the subject transfers weight from one side to the other. This measurement is based on the pressure levels which allows determination when a change of support has occurred. For the efficiency, the position of the footprints in successive ...
Today, lower limb amputations can be treated by socket prostheses, which represent the standard of care for amputees but often are associated with significant socket–interface problems, or by osseointegrated prostheses, which involves direct attachment of the artificial limb to the skeletal residuum. ...
of causes. A general interpretation has been that one factor in many cases is reduction of the rate of development, the kind and degree of deformity depending upon the stage at which the retardation occurs. This interpretation is supported by the results of descriptive studies ofanomalies, and ...