The reliability of thermography for the determination of the level of amputation for an ischaemic lower limb was compared with that of the doppler flowmeter and the clinical judgement of an experienced surgeon. The results showed that thermography tended to overestimate the degree of ischaemia and ...
Amputation describes the loss of a body part due to injury or disease, most commonly referring to the loss of a limb. Millions of people worldwide are currently living with amputation of the upper extremity [25]. Since trauma is the leading cause, especially young people are affected, often...
Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a common and debilitating complication of diabetes that is associated with an increased risk of lower-limb amputation and a reduced life expectancy. Tibial cortex transverse transport (TTT) has become a newly alternative surg
This cohort study investigates whether lipoprotein(a) values are associated with lower-limb amputation or revascularization.
A powerful study reported that a high TG level could increase the risk of DPN, while a high level of TG significantly increases the risk of lower limb amputation [24]. In this study, to further investigate the association between lipid pro- files and diabetic microvascular complications, ...
Rehabilitation of Patients with an Amputation Statistics Common lower limb levels Surgical considerations Pre-Operative Care EvaluationKent, MargaretFields, Tom
Daily step count of British military males with bilateral lower limb amputations: A comparison of in-patient rehabilitation with the consecutive leave peri... Background:: Reduced function and health in individuals with lower limb amputation is well documented. Step count measurement could facilitate ...
In a meta-analysis of 7 studies on healthy people, drinkinggreen teawas associated with an 18% lower incidence of type 2 diabetes [94]. Its potential to improve blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes or at risk of developing this condition is less clear. While it was effective...
The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing worldwide, which has been associated with poor cognitive outcomes. Participating in regular physical exercise may also improve cognition, and levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), but the optimal exercise prescription remains to be elu...
As one of common diabetic macrovascular complications, lower extremity atherosclerotic disease (LEAD) or diabetic PAD of lower extremity, was one of the major causes of foot ulceration and amputation [5]. Early detection and treatment of LEAD is critical to prevent amputation and mortality of ...