It can also make a home in hard and soft water, making it one of the easiest Angelfish breeds to maintain. The Black Veil Angelfish is also one of the easiest to find, so there is a good chance you have seen one of these fish before....
We’ve rounded up 11 breeds of freshwater pufferfish to look over with you so you can see if there are any that catch your eye. We’ll show you what they look like and supply you with facts that might be relevant to each breed. Join us while we talk about size, filtration, color, ...
If you feel like normal freshwater fish is too mainstream, why don’t you consider keeping freshwater eels as pets? Eels make excellent pets and are a remarkable addition to your home aquariums. In this article, I’ll walk you through the 11 best types of freshwater eels for your aquarium....
Freshwater angelfish are South American cichlids of thePterophyllumgenus. These graceful and elegant fish are relatively peaceful as far as cichlids go, and are popular ascommunity fishfor home aquariums. Angelfishare hardy tropical fish that can live as long as a decade in a well-maintained fish ...
for soft algae buildup that they eat in small bites. Some Nerite Snails also dig about an inch or so below the surface of the substrate to feast on algae buildup there as well. Nerite Snails are also popular because they do not reproduce in freshwater aquariums and overrun a tank like ...
Twitter You May Also Like: 30 Coolest Freshwater Fish For Your Aquarium 10 Most Aggressive Aquarium Fish & How To Deal With It Top 18 Types of Barb Fish: Ranked 17 Best Cichlid Tank Mates: An Ultimate Guide CategoriesFish,Fish Types
The Catemaco Molly is a freshwater fish with a slim body. It has a mix of colors, often displaying patches of black and silver. Its fins are usually clear or lightly colored. This type of Molly fish is not as common in aquariums. Still, when you see one, you’ll notice its bright ...
Also called millionfish or rainbow fish, the guppy is another freshwater fish perfect for aquariums. First found in the natural range in northeast South America, guppies can survive for over a week without being fed at all. They are not very selective in terms of diet and are happy with va...
or floss. This exposure to air and water fosters large colonies of beneficial bacteria that break down wastes. These are especially popular for saltwater tanks, but are becoming increasingly popular in freshwater aquariums, as well. Chemical filtration is provided by placing chemical media in the fi...
Freshwater snails, neon tetras, Amano and ghost shrimp, dwarf gouramis, and bristlenose plecos are good tank mates for cherry shrimp. Cherry shrimp thrive in a water temperature of 65–85°F and a pH between 6.5 and 8. Blue Bolt Shrimp Care level: Temperament: Color: Lifespan: Size: ...