The Platinum Angelfish is quite a rare find, and there are only a few aquariums housing one. The scales are shiny and have a metallic appearance that can shimmer as light reflects off them. These fish will require a tank that holds at least 30 gallons, and they like the tank to be wel...
All Freshwater Fish Breeds Freshwater Aquarium Basics Freshwater Fish Health Freshwater Aquariums & Habitat More Names of Fish Species Beginning With M 12 Large Fish for Freshwater Aquariums Ember Tetra: Fish Species Profile Scarlet Badis: Fish Species Profile Bubble Eye Goldfish: Fish Species...
The Gourami is another large family of fish with many different species that work well in freshwater indoor aquariums. Depending on the type of Gourami you purchase, you may need a larger or smaller aquarium. For instance, theDwarf Gourami, a small species, can live happily in a 10-gallon ...
Conservation of Naturecurrently lists the Dwarf Puffer as vulnerable due to overharvesting and habitat loss. It is very popular in aquariums due to its bright colors and small size. It’s much easier to acquire the right size aquarium and filtration needed for a Dwarf than many of the other...
Just as active as other Corydoras, the Skunk Cory Cat thrives in peaceful community aquariums with like sized fish. Primarily bottom dwellers, Corydoras are adept at cleaning excess food from aquarium substrate. Their most playful antics come, however, when an entire group speeds to the water's...
Explore our database of tropical fish articles and learn about freshwater species, their aquarium care, and the latest fishkeeping news.
Global challenges in freshwater-fish 399 conservation related to public aquariums and the aquarium industry. Int. Zoo Yearb. 47, 400 6-45.Reid, G.M., MacBeath, T.C., and Csatadi, K. 2013. Global challenges in freshwater- fish conservation related to public aquariums and the aquarium ...
Here are the beautiful 15 species of tropical freshwaterfishesthat can be the best choice for your aquariums. So now, it’s up to you about choosing the right one for your aquarium and spend a good time with your pets.