Types of Flu Vaccines for Yearly Immunization.The article focuses on the flue vaccines to prevent influenza. It states that influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It mentions about new flu vaccines developed by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious ...
Community-acquired pneumonia.This is a fancy way of saying you got infected somewhere other than a hospital or long-term care facility. Community-acquired pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.Vaccinescan help protect against theflu virusand certain bacteria that can also cause ...
2. Cancer Vaccines Mesothelioma vaccineswork by helping the immune system recognize cancer cells more effectively. They are currently only available in clinical trials. Vaccines being tested for mesothelioma include: CRS-207, a vaccine made with listeria bacteria shown to produce an immune response aga...
According to the CDC’s latest guidance, the need for face masks at any given time depends on the level of the coronavirus in your community. (No matter where you live, the CDC recommends that you stay up to date with your COVID vaccines and get tested if you have symptoms.) To help...
The study authors next plan to use the results of their research to work toward the development of better vaccines for viruses, like dengue, that are spread by mosquitoes. More information:Mantri CK, St John AL (2019). Immune synapses between mast cells and γδ T cells limit viral infectio...
According to the CDC’s latest guidance, the need for face masks at any given time depends on the level of the coronavirus in your community. (No matter where you live, the CDC recommends that you stay up to date with your COVID vaccines and get tested if you have symptoms.) ...
A vaccine is a suspension of weakened or killed microorganisms or toxins or other biological preparation, such as those consisting of antibodies, lymphocytes, or mRNA, that is administered to prevent disease. Vaccines work by stimulating the immune syste
Vaccines, whether killed or live, may contain strains of all three poliovirus serotypes—PV1, PV2, and PV3—or of just one or two (serotypes are closely related though distinguishable forms). For example,trivalent OPV(tOPV) contains live attenuated virus of all three serotypes and thus is...