and now it’s time to take things slow. Keep it simple. They have a keen eye for design, or at least that’s what they will tell you.The Minimalistis also a tad OCD about how things are set up. Every app and widget is meticulously themed and organized. Man, I would love to down...
That's Eye Candy We Can Believe In I like context, backstory, credits, and yes, the occasional "put in shopping basket" link, so I don't like random web collections of sheer eye candy. But for this 500 image-and-counting flickr pool, I'll make an exception: This artist, Ric Hugo,...
Kindergarten Educational 3D Puzzle Wooden Tangram Toys Children Nice Package Geometric Shapes Puzzle $2.75 - $2.98 Min. order: 120 sets Easy Return Kids Develop Imagination Trace and Draw Learning Educational Toy Multifunctional Plastic Led Projector Art Drawing Table $4.28 - $4.53 Min. order: 36 ...
angular-ui-tree angular-websocket angular-wizard angular-xeditable angular.throttle angular angularfire angularjs-dragula angularlocalstorage angulartics animals animated_gif animation-frame anime-quotes-api animejs annyang ansi-align ansi-diff-stream ansi-escape-sequences ansi-html ansi ansicolors antlr4...
is also one of the most well studied freshwater fish species. Multiple research has shown that goldfish have powerful cognitive and learning abilities. In one suchstudy, researchers found that goldfish can differentiate between different colors and shapes. They also have a memory span of three ...
vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chartshapes+xml application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chartshapes+xml [Makoto_Murata] vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.diagramColors+xml application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.diagramColors+xml [Makoto_Murata] vnd.openxml...
which uses exaggerated or overly-simplified forms, colors and textures to convey a particular aesthetic vision; abstract, which employs geometric shapes, unconventional forms, and creative interpretations of subjects; and low-poly, which uses a small number of polygons for a retro or simple effect....