nobody said that genius came without its quirks. He didn’t just rewrite the laws of physics, he gave them a complete makeover. So the next time you’re feeling a bit odd, remember: Newton was pushing needles into his eyes for science. Suddenly, your weird quarantine baking obsession doe...
The Music Genres List site covers many of the most popular styles of music;thanks to you, it is becoming the definitive list of music genres on the Internet. If you feel any music genres are missing (we’re sure there are many!), please emailadd @ music genres list dot com,and we’...
Hammerhead shark is a common name used to identify several shark species with distinctive hammer-like head structure. So far nine species of hammerheads have been discovered, most of which are endangered or near threatened. The unique positioning of the eyes in hammerhead sharks allows them to se...
Driven by meaning, conviction, and imagination, INFPs are often the visionaries behind the most influential works of literature, the trailblazing authors, responsible for catalyzing change and spinning worlds out of words. The world ofINFPauthors boasts names such as Albert Camus, George Orwell, A....