A special‐purpose Committee on DNA Sequences as Types was established at the XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC) in Shenzhen, China, in 2017, with a mandate to report to the XX IBC in Madrid in 2024 with recommendations on a preferred course of action with respect to ...
HERV-E and HERV-K in the neutrophils from systemic lupus erythematosus patients and healthy controls Patadon Sukapan1, Paramate Promnarate2, Yingyos Avihingsanon3, Apiwat Mutirangura4 and Nattiya Hirankarn1 Changes of the DNA methylation at the interspersed repetitive sequences can occur in vari...
Moreover, a comparison of different repetitive families can provide useful information with regard to whether concerted evolu- tion acts as a sequence-specific phenomenon or as a genome-wide process. Here, we present the analysis of intragenomic diversity for two repetitive DNA sequences (a sat...
However, the nicking frequencies of short direct repeats flanking different Alu type sequences are as high as 1/6 (nick/nt). These data are discussed in terms of the mode of recognition of DNA sequences/structures by topoisomerase I, and its possible roles in the nonhomologous insertion of ...
Abstract DNAFSMiner (DNA Functional Sites Miner) is a web-based software toolbox to recognize functional sites in nucleic acid sequences. Currently in this toolbox, we provide two software: TIS Miner and Poly(A) Signal Miner. The TIS Miner can be used to predict translation initiation sites...
The most organism requires energy for the cleavage ofATPand NAD+. Energy is required for the joining of nicks (nicks lack the phosphodiester linkage between the nucleotide sequence) of DNA. Whereas eukaryotic DNA ligases are ATP-dependent bacteria, archaea and virus DNA ligases are both NAD+ and...
Nucleic acids are the organic materials present in all organisms in the form of DNA or RNA. These nucleic acids are formed by the combination of nitrogenous bases, sugar molecules and phosphate groups that are linked by different bonds in a series of sequences. The DNA structure defines the ...
Genomic databases do not contain complete sequences of the centromeric regions. We created a pUC19-based library of DNA fragments from isolated chromocentres of interphase nuclei. In this library we have found major satellite (MaSat)and two new satellite sequences - MS3 and MS4. The computer ...
Cell-free RNA from liquid biopsies can be analyzed to determine disease tissue of origin. We extend this concept to identify cell types of origin using the Tabula Sapiens transcriptomic cell atlas as well as individual tissue transcriptomic cell atlases
510Citations 45Altmetric Metrics Abstract The common sequence variants that have recently been associated with cancer risk are particular to a single cancer type or at most two. Following up on our genome-wide scan of basal cell carcinoma1, we found that rs401681[C] on chromosome 5p15.33 sati...