大洋深处Ocean Deep. 深海的边缘代表着陡然下跌到大洋海床的地方。人鱼和沙华鱼人的城市沿着这些海崖分布。海床本身海拔约-8000~-10000呎不等。其中大部分生命都富集在浅滩的边缘,那里是大部分食物的来源。 The fringe of the deep represents the steep drop to the ocean floor. Also along these cliffs are the...
The adventure in question, Tomb of Annihilation, specifically dictates how these gods interact with creatures. The rules it gives, and no others, apply. Their category is not given, because it is irrelevant in this particular case. As you're a player in the adventure, I'll not spoil the ...
Force is often described as the best DnD damage type, and while that honorific is largely going to depend on what you’re fighting and how many dice you’re rolling, there’s no denying that it is effective. There are no creatures that are resistant to force damage, not one. And only ...
Lorcana character cardsdepict the people and creatures you’ve seen star in Disney movies. Once played, these cards remain in play until you or an opponent do something to remove it. For example, if a character card takes too much damage, it’s banished (discarded). Like all Lorcana card...