A Ranger might bring a chosen animal companion on adventures to back them up in battle. They might specialize in slaying particular monsters, or they may simply be masters of stealth, making them a serious threat to any creature caught unawares. A smart ranger prioritizes their Dexterity score ...
Like most ooze-type DnD monsters, the Black Pudding falls somewhere between a trap and a creature. They make great dungeon denizens, as you can pop them in dark, unexpected places, in all sorts of little nooks and crannies or on walls and ceilings, waiting to give your players a nasty ...
but I doubt they'd be able to test every monster that way. I imagine at least some of the time they simply put together multiple encounters for the same monster (taking into account which other monsters it's likely to fight with) and have their players fight them using different...
Coming up with a very simple and exciting life span,Tortle 5eis the creature that is known to be one of the most peaceful farmers in the game. Tortle 5eusually resides on theSavage Coast of Mystarawhich is being expanded in the mini-setting of Red Steel. These are another one of the ...
This is harder than you might think; it's approximately as hard as changing a creature's alignment when you raise it yourself. Our related question Can a Black Dragon Hatchling be raised to be good? Or is it inherently evil? has some more on this topic, but basically, many...
Compendium folders style (monsters) Creature type, e.g. Undead --- --- Compendium folders style (spells) School of Magic Level --- Compendium folders style (items) Item Type --- ---Core SetupSettingDefaultRecommendedComments Player character images [data] assets/ddb-imported-images [data] as...
Monsters by Type 1.0 Improved Initiative Medieval Fantasy City Generator - This application generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size. Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator - Generate fantasy world maps with ease. Names Name generators Fantasy Name Generators Mithril And Mages Name Gen Map...
Maya’s arrow hits the flying snake in the back. He urged, “Come on, Alexander. Go faster!” (He rolled an Animal Handling check successfully preventing another bite.) As the castle loomed closer, Jonz drew his hand axe, turned and threw it at the pursuing creature which was right beh...
The DM himself isn’t a player but a storyteller who also keeps an eye on all types of monsters and other characters the player may come across during the game. The characters supervised by DM are also called the NPC which stands for Non-Playable Characters. While the players in the game...
One side of the cards has a darker layout to better define the back of the creature Environmental tokens maintain the same qualities of the planks, laminated on both sides, total rewritability and compatibility with the dimensions of the planks; battle-grid included. ...